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  1. B

    My Wolf Adoption Center!

    thank you very much! ^_^ they are in good hands
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    Tama Hotel

    Lizzie says: You are room number 100. Here is your key!!! If you have any questions feel free to call the front desk! Thank you for staying! [100] key
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    My Wolf Adoption Center!

    can i have two? if so, i want milly and callie with a bed and a computer
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    Tama Hotel

    not losing hope... keeping it updated...
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    Tama Hotel

    just checking.....of course no one. :mimitchi:
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    Tama Hotel

    Okay, I have done something like this before (Tama Play Center, if any of you remember) and I am going to try something a little different to see how popular this gets. Welcome to the Tama Hotel!!! This is the new general manager, Lizzie. She will work at the fron desk if you have any...
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    V5 Questions

    is it ok for there to be more than one question in here?? if so i have one. on the v5, is there such a thing as the planet family or space family? i looked up sunnytchi in the v5 tips and tricks index and it says planetchi may come to sunnytchi and they will mate. SOOOO does that produce any...
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    That Came Out Wrong.

    yes!! and taking my sort-of ex os a perv, this SOOOOOOO came out wrong!!! so yah me and him were after school sitting on a bench. intending to talk about homework, i asked "so should we get busy?" he snorted and avoided me for like the next two weeks. it was so embarressing. (sp?)...
  9. B

    Is Anyone....

    I LOOOOOOOOOOVE to draw!!! Ever since I read Fablehaven (which is AMAZING!!! <3 ) I love drawing the fairies on the covers and creating my own. So thats what i do. i draw Fablehaven fairies...
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    Confession time xD

    not really a big confession, but i confess that.... im SOOOOOOOOOO cheating on my boyfriend and i have been for almost 6 mos.
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    i accidentally typed in hpoefly instead of hopefully. if you say it out loud it sounds like hippo fly lol my favorite typo yet. and there are times when you accidentally push 2 keys instaed of 1 so it looks like fgirst or fasvorite or sdtuff like tyhat. ha typos on purpose
  12. B

    Do you have a boy/girlfriend?

    yeah, but Im not so sure about him anymore. he is kind of stalkerish now, but im like the center of his universe. I want to break up with him but Im afraid Ill break his heart in the process. Hes gettin WAAAAAAY too obsessed with me.....he says if i leave him he'll commit just...
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    Do You Plan To Have Kids Someday?

    I want SIX!!!!! Yes, six. In order, but no guarentees: -Jackson Moroni (hehe a giveaway im Mormon) -Kylee Anne (after my almost sister. she died in the womb) -Rachel Anmarie Lamona (2 middle names- i think thats really cool. Lamona after my grandmothers first name) -Ethan Lehi (i want him...
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    What pets do you have?

    i have 4 CATS- Belle and Milo DOG- Bailee BIRD- Mango Mango is in many of my posts, including my signiture!!!! (except shes a girl..oops!)
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    What color/colour?

    this sounds kinda made-up but its true!!!! I was born with blue eyes, but they can change colors!!!!! They are either blue, green or grey. It's just random, it has nothing to do with my mood or anything!!!! But they usually change every day or so. Is this a hallucination or a genetic mutation...
  16. B


    No not yet. My first death will probably be of my bird Mango. :) Im so scared to lose her!!!!! We have such a close bond. When she does meet her Maker, though, I will have her cremated and I'll set her urn on my nightstand so I can always be sure she is near me like she always was on...
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    I wonder if you remeber my post about my bird getting her period. She didnt of course, it turned out to be tomato (too much of anything turns the poop the color of that particular food) But YESSSSSS I FINALLY GOT IT!!! It gets a little annoying to change out the pads or (if im not wearing one)...
  18. B

    A KISS...

    it really depends on who you kiss. If its their first as well as yours, it will be a little awkward. Very quick and maybe a little (TEENSY WEENSY) wet. If its your first, and not theirs, they may be nice and you will just have a very awkward kiss and they will be all whatever. It may be wet...
  19. B


    YESSSSSSS....I am going crazy for a guy.......lovee him!!! he is kinda my boyfriend. we are in that stage where we are getting used to being with each other. he never gets old. :) (well he never should) love him love him!!!!!
  20. B

    Pet Ed
