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  1. M

    Do u watch any soap operas?

    I watch eastenders :D
  2. M


  3. M

    things that you REALLY want

    - To have a tokyo mew mew plush -To have cat ears and a cat tail like ichigo on tokyo mew mew = ;) = -To fly -for animal crossing city folk to hurry up and come to the UK now! - To talk, read and write in japanese not much but thats all i want^^
  4. M

    Favorite pokemon type?

    I have always loved electric types! like pikachu..... pikachus are so kawaii^^ and i like fire types cos there strong. ~M~N
  5. M

    wRiTiNg iN wHiTe

    ---------------------->no ----------------------> gues again ---------------------->la no ---------------------->umm no ---------------------->HORAY YOU FOUND IT ----------------------> U r wrong okay............? >i like love MCR and tokyo mew mew <3
  6. M


    i wouldnt worry if they saidit once but if it carrys on. get help! im allways being called emo but i dont care. ignore it! ~M~N
  7. M

    I can't believe I'm doing this!

    COOL! good luck!. i hope they say yes because i bet its good! :wacko:
  8. M

    What's your kinda book?

    i read the tokyo mew mew manga and some horror books about ghost and aliens
  9. M

    Are you random?

    im random cos its PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!!!!! YEAH! sometimes im random cos im bored ~MeOw
  10. M


    June 3 1996 12 years
  11. M


    i love it! its the best movie i have saw in a long time! 10/10 P.s temari_sensei_girl, i think he died of a drug overdose ~M~N
  12. M

    Mysims Kingdom

    man the first Mysims was like a rubbish one and animal crossing wild world is this one going to be any better? :(
  13. M


    same here i got sonic R for the PC but it dosent seem to download=[ its a reallllllllllllllllly good game! ~MeOw
  14. M

    Sonic Heroes

    i like team rose and team sonic! i loooove sonic heroes, it was my first ever gamecube game and the best^^ ~MeOw
  15. M

    Littlest Pet Shop

    I used to have them when i was 5 or 6 they were fun but now i dont even know if i have got them or not.... ~M~N
  16. M

    fuwa mascots!

    Same here there all so kawaii^_^ but i like jingjing the best. jingjing, kawaii name^_^ ~MeOw
  17. M

    Which Anime Should I Watch?

    for me its also so TOKYO MEW MEW! ~Nya~! ~na no da! i love it!!!
  18. M

    Animal Crossing for the GameCube

    i got both of them but i like the ds better. i dont know why but to me it seems less boring but i like the gamecube one too ~M_N
  19. M

    Hamha ^__^;

    hello welcome to TT!^^ do you like anime! i love it! PM me if you want to be friends! ~M_N
  20. M

    is it safe?

    if you are under 13 i wouldnt go. but if you really really want to go, go with your mum or dad. i know it might sound like your a little kid but they could help you if anything did go bad. at school we watched a vidoe about internet blogs and things like that. a 11 year old boy met a 11 year old...