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  1. T

    I have a question...

    man im outta it! jeez.. and i called myself a tamaexpert too! :puroperatchi: ahh well, that was 3 months or so ago...
  2. T

    New owner needs help!

    well i see the "wink" smily but im SURE the number isnt fifty.. right? anyway i had reason to believe more like 20
  3. T

    I have a question...

    im sorry i would not know at all.. however, i would suggest it works as a v2 or v3? dont get mad at me if im wrong.. just trying to help. ~tcsoda
  4. T

    My tama is DEAD!

    hm.. i hadnt made my v3 sick so i wouldnt know if u can play with it while sick or not.. while its strange cuz i thought u couldnt... but what i find weird is the instant death.. but if u get it sick that many times, the last one is auto, i guess... its also funny because sickness doesnt come...
  5. T

    is my tama fake?

    u noe, if the sond is off it makes a slightly lower pitched sound and if u leave the sound off it makes a whirrrrrrrrrr clunk kindofa noise. i find that interesting :puroperatchi:
  6. T

    help plz!

    ahh thank u!
  7. T

    tama logs!

    i see that comments arent allowed anymore "UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES" but.... i dont care if pplz reply.. its fun to talk to peoples in my log... and comments too! aww..... well thats okay then ill remove that 'comments welcome' stuff that was always there in my siggy. i never heard wat u guys...
  8. T

    jelly world

    uh.... well.. first to everyone... how come u guys dont know this stuff? ive been playing for 1 year well im not very active... and i knew jellyworld from day 1! concerning why neopets wants to keep it secret... they are just nuts. jelly world is known by all! i mean jelly is only 1 np...
  9. T

    Who HATES neopets?

    i am an evil neopets hater. mostly its because i draw a lot and the neopet manga, anime, whatever u call it is messed up big time. it isnt realistic at all and frankly is a freakish impersonation of manga/anime. also the new pets stink. they are all ugly. another reason i dislike neopets is...
  10. T

    help plz!

    okay.. here is my situation. i have seen and played with nanos before... so, my friend gave me her nano kitty [without the instructions] and now i need to know how to take care of it. i have a few specific questions because i do get the general idea... 1) on the health meter, what does the...
  11. T


    uh... honestly.. if you dont know wat it is dont worry about it. a nano is a virtual pet, that is not a tama ['tamagotchi cousins' should have tipped u off]
  12. T

    plane ticket

    your tamagotchi can only use the ticket once it is an adult. so if it is in your items your tamagotchi will not go there.
  13. T

    Making a tamagotchi case?

    it might work but i dunno how strong it would be... might just rip off..
  14. T

    I need help!

    ILL BE YOUR FRIEND! welcome to tamatalk.
  15. T

    I am Rebexy!

    u can pm anyone, rebexy. not just those that say "pm me" :lol:
  16. T


    its superfun. 5 stars!
  17. T

    hello im new

    KEWL! well, welcome again... yah..
  18. T

    I'm all about Jesus, want to be my friend?

    its good that u like yourself for who you are... just that u might not want to talk about jesus all the time... uh.. well, some pplz might find that offensive. as i said, you dont know everyone on here.
  19. T

    What is the history?

    in the pinned there is a section called "how to put up your avatar and signature." i suggest you read that. history is if your tama died and you pushed A+C instead of resetting it.
  20. T

    how do u

    you CANT!!!!! there is no cheat to it. sorry.