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  1. T

    Ok, I need help!

    lol, generation 10? well.... i still dont think that its bad.. ive never really had a v1 myself, arent there like 2 teens per generation or something crazy like that? sry, just being lazy ^.^ normally i would totally know this stuff. i still dont think that its bad or anything. you can try...
  2. T

    just a quick question...

    thank u very much :D
  3. T

    just a quick question...

    well, i noe about the age thingy, but its not really realistic that a tama will live forever as long as you take good care of it? thank you anyway! :D
  4. T

    just a quick question...

    im not a new tama owner, wasnt sure where this should go otherwise? so.. i debugged my v2, and i wanted to make a character that never has a gen2 its kinda weird i know, but generations arent much fun when u debug so i got a pyonchitchi (it being my favorite character and all)(SEE maplestory...
  5. T


    o, so thats it? well, ive never tried that with a v3 ty! :D
  6. T

    Ok, I need help!

    well, oniontachi is not really bad or anything, they are v1s, yes? well, since v1 has a very limited range of chars (compared to the others) i think thats just fine and adina is right, its not going to stay like that forever.
  7. T

    Determine evolutions?

    as much as its true that its just based on how you take care of them (and growth charts, they help :D ) there is no guarentee about what tama u will get, however, since tamagotchi ARE machines (*GASP*) there are very specific ways of getting that certain char. a good way to do that is to...
  8. T

    What does this mean?

    its a random animation. kinda like, uh, brushing teeth and watching TV, rolling around, that kinda stuff.
  9. T

    tama logs!

    thats real nice.
  10. T

    Unknown Tamagotchi

    my only suggestion is that its a fake if u bought it on ebay or sumthin..
  11. T

    Is there any surefire way to get a Pyonkotchi?

    SUREFIRE>> debugging! :furawatchi: but thats not wat u meant? well i had one a while ago a believe its in my log. havent checked up in a while so im not sure. i for one was disappointed from how bandai messed the animation up from the original mesu/osu pattern. just a thought~
  12. T

    What are the 7 codes?

    i would assume v3 in saying/asking, what are the 7 shop codes, not five. well, check out the 'tamagotchi codes' section to see ALL the codes :lol: the shop codes i havent comitted to memory so i couldnt tell ya. :lol:
  13. T

    How to kill your tama...

    i guarentee that the twins myth and the code or whatever is 100% fake. i havent been on in a while so do people still believe in the ROM testing gets twins rumor?
  14. T

    See king WITHOUT password!

    no, u need 5000+ in separate at least 3 donations. so dont donate all at once anymore, just donate in blocks of 100, 1000 or whatever
  15. T

    Face: 2x 3x 4x heart 4x

    hmm.. in all my tama parenting i have never seen one 2hearts 2 smiles, however thats okay... i wont repeat all that friend aquaintence friend stuff, been said..
  16. T

    How do you get pyonkotchi, nyatchi, leaftchi

    i had pyonkotchi once, it is a normally healthy tam character so... u need good care. also its an ODD gen so keep that in mind! u can get if from all teen odds except nikatchi.. so keep good care in the teens! unless it has become a healthy tam i always thought of it as unhealthy. for...
  17. T


    also, i will add that weight does matter, so if your tama toddler was fatter [in weight units, subtract your tamas weight from the tamas base weight] then he/she would have been *MUCH* better, however i think that ztf is right in the toddlers being naturally good at it ~tcsoda
  18. T

    V3 Growth Chart

    its -ra- to the rescue ONCE again, thankies :puroperatchi: straying off topic again to say, now i kno why those paparachi are so easy to find! there EVERYWHERE!! every single one of the coresponding generations have it! thankies again -ra-
  19. T

    what are we doing wrong?

    foods and snacks, well if u can browse through foods then its a v3 and i can answer your question. once u can take care of a tam with ease its a little fun to test stuff out. ex: what if in my tamas life i ONLY fed it sushi? and for snack i wouldnt know.. but only sushi as meals? thats all i...
  20. T

    How heavy is your tama supposed to be?

    teen is 15-17 if its an unhealthy tam character, 20 if its fully healthy. and if u get a bad charicter for an adult then its base weight is 20 so 20-22.. i thinkies the rule to follow is this: the tams base weight = min healthy weight the tams base weight +2= max healthy weight.