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  1. T

    bad tama

    so? :) i thought most people knew that... well, if you reasearch, mametchi is actually the orignial best charicter [in p1] but mimitchi is on p2. they are equally important.. and~~ masketchi is not alone ethier. gozarutchi is equal in care needed.
  2. T


    Om, well, im on 3rd generation and i only have one parent in the parents section. its also supposed to show my other tama, the grandparent, right?
  3. T


    baby: 5 toddler: 10 teen: 15 or 20 depending on tama adult: 20 or 30 depending on tama
  4. T

    Items List - Uses

    how to use the bow tie: press 'b' when you see it in items. also you should tell wether the item is reuseable or one use only. [bow tie is reuseable] how to use the action figure: press 'b' when you see it in the items. it will work for any age. your tama will be happy if the toy is...
  5. T

    tama logs!

    i started up teletchi... he is quite a mess! oh.. news from justin: he wants me to debug his v1.
  6. T

    tama logs!

    so decotchi got a baby teletchi! its a boy. news from macaRONA: is a girl! the mm came for her yesterday at 3. and introducing a new part of my log: news from justin! hes this tama crazy guy. he has 2 tamas: circles v2 purple v1! thats kewl.. i suck at those games. so.. news from...
  7. T

    it's been a year? ._.

    it will leave the second night it sleeps with its baby.
  8. T


    that only works for 2nd gen.
  9. T

    tama logs!

    i got a new fishy! he is a mud fish but i call him an eel cuz he is like that.
  10. T

    tama logs!

    i would like to thank you if you have been pimped... that helps me SOOO much... i am quickly rising through the ranks.. and i couldnt have done it without you! especially if you feel like clicking on it every time you see an update. if you have been pimped and you talk to me thats an auto...
  11. T

    tama logs!

    so.... i bought a ticket to chile!!!   news from christina: nikatchi... again... i hope this one doesnt die.. at least not untill its older.
  12. T

    Where can I get a tama?

    i recommend toys R us. i got 2 tamas while they were out of stock cuz i ordered a hold. they called me when they had them and got me the color of my choice!!! ps. defanantly snakeskin. my friend macaRONA [tamatalk name] has it and its kewl.
  13. T

    girly girl or tomboy?

    no need to be torn. polls [this one!] says that that would be considered normal.. so you are not torn, you are avrage.
  14. T

    Tama Plane Ticket. Pleaseeee help!

    well, sometimes its good to be patient.
  15. T

    Reluctant Tamagotchi

    QUOTE (эйдж@ Mar 20 2006, 10:10 PM) I'm pretty sure your tamagotchi has to be 3 pounds over her/his base weight to play, because when you play with her/him they can lose up to 3 pounds in one game. You have to have weight to lose weight. Get it? yeah, so if your tama is 20 at least then it...
  16. T

    Still a Teen!?

    QUOTE (эйдж@ Mar 20 2006, 10:17 PM) Okay so he might be an adult by tomorrow morning, that will be his fourth day. He was born at like 11:30 at night so...he'll be four tonight. he will probably evolve in the morning.
  17. T


    well, there are these scissors next to me.. not crayola, the big kind, so i was using it as a pointer to follow where i was reading on a really long post. and i realized the screen of my computer was going funny. it was twisting [the inside, the page] and it went really dark except where...
  18. T

    Please, help me for v3

    or you can just buy it off ebay.. i guess.. [i dont speak italian. i speak english.. and mandarin but im illiterate there]
  19. T


    if you dont know, sereously just DONT replay to it. are you from neopets? with the little <> things.. we use [] FYI you CANNOT debug a tama conneXion..
  20. T


    36 isnt really. 30 is acceptable but 36 isnt really. well its okay but i dunno how u can get mametchi like that. you might get furawatchi instead.