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  1. kuchipatchi love

    Kuchi's V4.5, TamaGo and TamaWalkie Log!

    I'm back! I just got back from buying batteries at the store (I had to go round like 6 or 7 bargain shops to find the right size batteries... -_- ) Anyway, I downloaded Dior- only to find that Puchi was back too! But he's going now! After his 4-minute prayer for little Dior to have a safe...
  2. kuchipatchi love

    Kuchi's V4.5, TamaGo and TamaWalkie Log!

    Well... Puchi left his baby... and then, horror of horrors, this happened: D: Anyway, nothing really's happened with my Walkie or my TMGO, but lil' Kyuu the Mametchi is visiting the dating place tonight! This is the faceplate I have and my version, but my camera is the one on my phone so the...
  3. kuchipatchi love

    P1 and/or P2: Which one have you got?

    I have a P1 that I bought for $5 on trademe. It's the pink and blue numbers design.
  4. kuchipatchi love

    What do u think of the version 4.5..?

    Hey my bestest pally, nice topic! * Is the v4.5 your favourtie version? Yes, yes it is. * If so whats your favourite character/s? Probably Ura Togetchi or Ura Mametchi * Do you think the v4.5 could be upgraded in anyway? Bring back the lightswitch! * What do you think of the games? Do you...
  5. kuchipatchi love


    It's not a glitch. My cousin (who I hate SOOOOO much, even though she's four) slammed my 26yearold Otokitchi on my glass-top desk, crossing wires and KILLING it. Hence why I hate her, apart from her being a complete brat. But, she wanted one of my tamas so I gave her an old pink fake that...
  6. kuchipatchi love

    Kuchi's V4.5, TamaGo and TamaWalkie Log!

    Well hey all... Last night, Puchi had a baby boy, with an Ura Violetchi!! Squee! But the downside is... He leaves tonight. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I've gotten WAYY to attached to him... There's one sang that alwyas makes me think of him, the Tamagotchi song by Daze... I can imagine him singing...
  7. kuchipatchi love


    OK, can someone tell me what people are on about? A virus? A nerd? What??
  8. kuchipatchi love

    I'm Back, baby!

    I got back into tamas! I'm soooo glad to be back with everyone! I missed all you guys :) Go check out my logtchi! Datchi!! :wub:
  9. kuchipatchi love

    Kuchi's V4.5, TamaGo and TamaWalkie Log!

    Well, last night (at like 8) my Kilalatchi evolved into a ... MAMETCHI!!! I think this is awesome as crackertchi's streamers because I have the Mametchi gotchi frigure and now I own a shop, not to mention that he's the best care character!! :) :) :) :D I'm so happy! My V4.5 turns 6...
  10. kuchipatchi love

    My tamas fall on their faces?

    It's because the tamas have 5 or less stars in Fortune collectively.
  11. kuchipatchi love

    Kuchi's V4.5, TamaGo and TamaWalkie Log!

    LOL guys, my daddy gave me some batteries so I'm good to go on the TMGO front. In a little while, my Kilalatchi is going to evolve really soon. My Walkie decided that it wanted to go to Las Vegas slightly more quickly and actually bought a skateboard this morning. Celebtchi got his pay (1120G...
  12. kuchipatchi love

    Bento Box...?

    Oh, Michi-chan! That's not a bento box, that's a collecter's version Entama. It celebrates 10 yerars of Tamagotchi. I suppose you could use it as a bento box, though! How cute would that be?! I can just imagine it! (and an Entama... I'm drooling :) )
  13. kuchipatchi love

    Kuchi's V4.5, TamaGo and TamaWalkie Log!

    Sorry guys, quick post. My TamaGo is out of batteries, so it's off the log until further notice. Sorry guys :(
  14. kuchipatchi love

    Keep your tamagotchi from the teachers

    Hahahahaha. My primary school and intermediate had a very strict policy on NO TAMAGOTCHIS EVER. However, my high school that I attend now has no such thing! I can play with them whenever and wherever. But, my Japanese sensei once took away my v4.5 because I checked it in class. It's a good...
  15. kuchipatchi love

    How do I get mametchi?

    Actually Sakura-San (My bestest bestie) On the V4.5 there ARE no Universal characters. Everyone finds in notoriously hard to get them, like rare characters. The best way to get one is to have a normal character and keep on doing the matchmaker until it brings you a Universal. Hope I helped :)
  16. kuchipatchi love

    Kuchi's V4.5, TamaGo and TamaWalkie Log!

    Well hey guys, I'm back again! I've started up my V4.5, my TMGO And my Walkie. Well This is my V4.5- Puchi. He's a Celebtchi who just got a job as a newsreader. ^^ He's super-cute. This is my TamaGo. He just evolved from a Mattaritchi into a Kilalatchi this afternoon, when I was on my paper...
  17. kuchipatchi love

    Why Characters Fall on their faces

    All V4 and V4.5 characetrs will fall on their faces at one time or another- because the reason they do this is: Less then 5 stars in the Fortune mail. It always happend, it is consitently happening to mine. It's not a big mystery anymore. I think someone established this but everyone has...
  18. kuchipatchi love

    How to get back into tamas?

    I haven't been that into them, but now I want to be into them once again. Any tips on how to get obsessed?
  19. kuchipatchi love


    I like Teto the best, even though she is UTAU... I like pretty much all of them and I think Gakupo is adorable... (Although the music video for Dancing Samurai is slightly scarring XD)
  20. kuchipatchi love

    Too old? Loser?

    Yup. Bring'em. My friends call themselves "the dorks". Jess is Reading Dork, Megan is Sporty Dork and I'm Tamagotchi Dork. :3