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  1. Melonitchi

    Change what the previous person said (remake)

    Cars don't like other Captains cars
  2. Melonitchi

    Last Post Wins

    notice : sims dlc is currently on sale
  3. Melonitchi

    Mod Break

  4. Melonitchi

    Bad Comebacks (remake)

    I'd feel bad for insulting you too but I hope this insults you in some way
  5. Melonitchi

    The Quote Game (remake)

    Woah, I can't believe you actually just said that :o
  6. Melonitchi

    The word game thing.

  7. Melonitchi

    Random Facts About Yourself

    TMNT: When I was younger I had the biggest crush on Raphael and Optimus Prime from Transformers but hussshhhh
  8. Melonitchi

    Would You Rather!~

    Dude that kind of questions offensive, man. Good Mythical Morning because I don't hate myself obvs WYR toast or cereal???
  9. Melonitchi

    Mod Break

  10. Melonitchi

    Last Post Wins

    dont tell me what to do
  11. Melonitchi

    Rick and Morty thread

    I watched them all on Adult Swim originally and when I heard they then started airing on TV all I could think was that there'd be more merch and I was so freakin happy
  12. Melonitchi

    What's your favourite?

    Mines YouTube. I don't watch TV unless it's an old series I love but I'll have the box set for it anyway. The closest thing I've been to watching TV for ages was Rick and Morty but I saw them all on adult swim so idk if that counts lmao... I just prefer YT because there's people who make full...
  13. Melonitchi

    Mametchi VS Mimitchi Wars

  14. Melonitchi

    Mod Break

  15. Melonitchi

    Mametchi VS Mimitchi Wars

  16. Melonitchi

    First World Problems

    pre-made sandwiches are more expensive than buying everything to make one -_- idk they just taste nicer
  17. Melonitchi

    Mod Break

  18. Melonitchi

    The word game thing.

  19. Melonitchi

    Mametchi VS Mimitchi Wars

  20. Melonitchi

    Mod Break
