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  1. Melonitchi

    What are you listening to now?

    lmao give it to me bby Blink-182 - Roller Coaster
  2. Melonitchi

    The word game thing.

  3. Melonitchi

    Would You Rather!~

    Werewolf with like super soft and silky hair WYR matching socks or odd socks?
  4. Melonitchi

    Last Post Wins

  5. Melonitchi

    Mod Break

  6. Melonitchi

    What's your current MAJOR pet peeve?

    oooOOOHHH that feel as well when it squeaks that makes you cringe. I also get that with Biro pens when the inks kinda dry
  7. Melonitchi

    Mametchi VS Mimitchi Wars

  8. Melonitchi

    Last Post Wins

  9. Melonitchi

    Does the Tamagotchi Friends version of Tamagotchi have customisable faceplates?

    Being in the UK it's really difficult to get a Dream Town, I only got mine because a seller who bought it in America was the selling it. I'd recommend getting the Wave 2 (or American) version of Friends. The one you were looking at was the Wave 1 (European)
  10. Melonitchi


    Welcome!!!!! Hope you enjoy it here. V4 is my favourite version!! When I first joined on my old account I loved this one :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: and always tried to find a reason to use it :3
  11. Melonitchi

    Your collection

    Maaaad props to the people who can take good pictures of their collections because I was on a ladder to do this and still had so much difficulty and it's a terrible picture. HOPE YOU LIKE IT :D Edit: I used to have them all in drawers but they very quickly out grew all that and I needed...
  12. Melonitchi

    Would You Rather!~

    I'm assuming hard to understand is like bad grammar etc??? So I'd rather get paid to write an easy book bc moolah WYR write with pencils or pens
  13. Melonitchi

    Mametchi VS Mimitchi Wars
