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  1. T

    super magical (not really)tama log

    and thanks for the veiws 79 already
  2. T

    super magical (not really)tama log

    Going away tommorow coming back on wednesday
  3. T

    parents not gone

    thanks but your not really helping
  4. T

    super magical (not really)tama log

    ok guys the parents haven't left yet which is strange but all well so only 1 person pm me. ONE ! well I'm going to call the baby choco thanks to bain bananas YOU HAVEN'T BOOKED THE PLANE! NO WONDER WE'RE RUNNING LATE! men... Po checks everthingGot everthing?! UM yep WAIT no I fogot my...
  5. T

    parents not gone

    well if you guys have read my log (super magical (not really) tama log) you will know po has gotten married (po is my tama) well she got married last night but they haven't left
  6. T

    super magical (not really)tama log

    FINALLY My tama finally got married she got married to a ... a... MAMETCHI and got a award for 1st ranking in hip hop. The baby is a girl plese pm me to help choose a name. If not the back up name is jazz. ok stats stats (get it?) 6 yrs 47lb hungry 0000 happy 0000 stress 00Tone 681...
  7. T

    Words in a sentence.

    "Don't touch the cookies" marmalade
  8. T

    super magical (not really)tama log

    I know I know I havn't been on for 3 days well I've been busy y'know with homework and all that well I've finally passed an auidition got my pro debut and got like 1,000,000g and 100,000,00 fans and got nice letters.oh yeah isn't so sweet when they beeband you press a button and they go to...
  9. T


    no I don't belive in god but Irespect peoplr who I mean my best friend belives in god p.s I have a religon p.s.s My religon is buddist
  10. T

    super magical (not really)tama log

    Oh I almost forgot stats: 3 yrs 25blb Hungry 0000 Happy 000 ( I'll sort that out later) Stress 6 Tone 347 Rhythm 364 Original 407 Music intrests Hip Hop Gen 1 3360g
  11. T

    super magical (not really)tama log

    Okaaaaay... so y'know that you only get 3 auditions and if you fail you become street performers well po had ( and failed) all 3 but got more today is that weird or am i stupid please pm me. ok well po failed them AGAIN! well not much else ecept somone gave me poo and the king gave me an orange...
  12. T

    super magical (not really)tama log

    ok um sorry for no writing yesterday well po turned into a mimi tchi yay shes exactly what i wanted her to be. well voni turned into the charecters with the musical not head and thu turned into a girl version of mametchi well that was the good thing and the bad thing was that i failed all 3...
  13. T

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

  14. T

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    Oi how could you 0\0 to u to (blows rasbury)
  15. T

    super magical (not really)tama log

    sorry for not writing yesterday but nothing happened. well today she turned into .... drumroll please a Ichigo-tchi and finally formed a band ok her bands called moo( i know random) well shes the lead singer and in the band there a chan mamithci called veronica and a ringo-tchi called thu ok...
  16. T

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    cinnamoroll(search it)
  17. T

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    9/10 it's small but cool I ment wild and fun
  18. T

    Are You Tired of...

    NO! (Why did u say yes at the end) are u tired of marmalade
  19. T


    I like the word marmalade,hello kitty and other sanrio charecters and of corse tamas!!!
  20. T

