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  1. T

    Sunnitchi Model on Music City?

    I think you might have donate money to the record company place because when I donated 100 I got post from the prince with a panda on a bamboo stick on it
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    super magical (not really)tama log

    Please highlight below to read. Hi guys well I'm writing in white today so its like invisable ink ok so Panda turned into a Cha-mame-tchi which is cool so today the music teacher came and gave her a bass drum.   Band name = ANIMAL   Band music = R&B music   Band members =   Name =...
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    help for tamagotchi music star

    No offence but rubbish tips some of them are obvious
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    The Button Room - Back again

    You a short stack of jars of marmalade -Presses the Tama button-
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    super magical (not really)tama log

    HI I feel purplely today so yeah. Anyway Crash and his wife left and left me there daughter which I called Panda don't ask why. So they took all the money which is so super unfair but they did leave me the stuff and managed to buy some really expinsive stuff before they left like a toy shop and...
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    What's your nationality?

    100% Thai but I was born in England
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    do you believe in karma?

    I do belive in karma but it has never happen to me
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    The Girls Life Quiz

    1. How old are you? 10 2. Have you ever been on a blind date? no look at my age 3. Have you ever been on a date at all? ^ same 4. What grade are you in? Don't know I don't live in america 5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? A bag of never ending £100 notes 6. Do you...
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    A Couple of Tough Questions

    It doesn't say President it says WORLD leader
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    Do you believe it?

    Also you guys say the world will end when the sun dies or explode and that ill proberly happen in a million years and that we will all be dead by then but we won't we reborn after we die so just hope you are good enough to be elighted b4
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    Do you believe it?

    Well there is globel warming now and people who pullute that could make a reason for the world to end in this century but I said no. I mean just cause some people say its gona happen does not mean it will I remember this boy in my class said the world will explode that day at 4:00 pm and you...
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    super magical (not really)tama log

    Hi people of tamatalk the reason I'm writing in grey is cause I'm sick but I feel better being on tamatalk soWOO I'm gonna talk in orange ok so Crash hasn't left yet and nobody pm me but its to late now cause I only go on the computer once a day so I won't be able to look at it so anyway since...
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    super magical (not really)tama log

    Sorry for not not writing yesterday I fainted and hit my head on the wall and got a black eye and went to the docters. TRUE STORY! Okay so back to Crash ok so I'm not really bothered to do me talking tamagotchi talking so yeah I might do it sometimes and if I'm happy I will add colours to this...
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    Visiting Tama Depa and Buying TMGC+C!

    Yeah but the name is tama depa it is not suppoesed to be called tamagotchi department in formal.
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    Music Star Project

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    super magical (not really)tama log

    Sorry for not writing for the last couple of days but I was really ill so what happen was that Crash made a band caled Dudes therw was a girl call lisa and a boy called toby. Lisa was cha mametchi and toby was the flame one. They are a rock 'n' roll band. The boys had guitars and lisa had head...
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    So slow..........have to be patient

    Its proberly your computer because it works fine for me
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    Visiting Tama Depa and Buying TMGC+C!

    It is called tama depa it is not short for tamagotchi depa