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  1. T

    super magical (not really)tama log

    Hi guys nothing happen to Sid but I'm hoping that he will get married soon.So um well...Thanks for reading my log and um... STATS I love willem Hall from my school :D 4 Years old 55lb Hungry 0000 Happy 0000 Stress 09 Tone 732 Rhythm 689 Original 751 Music Interest Jazz 4th Gen...
  2. T

    super magical (not really)tama log

    Hi ppl of the world that are on the internent,SID JUST GOT THE PRO DEBUET.But I guess you know that cause I just told you yesterday. Oh yeah I just remembered I GOT MORE MAIL... WHOOOOO]Here it is(It's from Evil Dazzilitchi) And I am going to call the next Gen Cherry or Rob. :huh: Anyway Sid...
  3. T

    Bad to averange charecters

    Fogot to add only bad to averange charecters on music star
  4. T

    super magical (not really)tama log

    Ok quick log he got PRO DEBUET BYE
  5. T

    super magical (not really)tama log

    Ok hi gus nothing happen to sid but i just got fanmail... FANMAIL!!! Here it is This ^ is from Heavenly Days <3. Sadly po is not with us now but I'm sure she can see this from tama planet bye :gozarutchi:
  6. T

    super magical (not really)tama log

    Whoooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH YEAH COME ON!!!!!!!!! EVERYBODY SAY HEY!! .....Tough crowd Ok the amazing Tama65 will tell you what has happen to Sid...HE TURNED INTO A KURO-MAME-TCHISooooooo cool he looks all punky any way his band changed too. Penny turned into a ;) and Toby turned into a...
  7. T

    Under consruction

    Hi guys y'know the bit at the beach that says Under construction and when you walk up to it it comes up with a thing but every time it try to read it it is spanish and I was wondering if any of you guys know what it says.Please tell me :) Tama65
  8. T

    Tamagotchi Music Star - Mating Guide!

    You can't tell what gender the baby is going to be its random this is true cause my tama got married by the band manager and got a boy
  9. T

    super magical (not really)tama log

    Well yeah SID turned into a kikitchi so um he made a band called busted.I know I know busted is alredy taken but what they don't know can't hurt them.Hey what oh SID just got mail. Awwww it was levi giving him 15000p whoo. Anyway so yeah lets look at the band. Band name: Busted Band music...
  10. T

    super magical (not really)tama log

    Sid just turned into a kiktchi
  11. T


    Also I already wrote about this here and I wrote it before you so. :(
  12. T

    super magical (not really)tama log

    Well levi left and I named the boy SID 'cause noone pmed me. Well yesterday SID turned into kuchi-tama-tchi he got a tamagotchi from the pre school. Um well he looks cute Stats 0 Years old 15lb Hungry 0000 Happy 0000 Stress 00 Tone 265 Rhythm 258 Original 276 Music IntrestRock'n'roll...
  13. T

    Growing while sleeping?

    Yep it is completly normal it happen to me as well.
  14. T

    Rate The First Name Above

    7/10 Jasmine
  15. T

    Tamagotchi Music Star - Mating Guide!

    no you can't tell which gender you will get.
  16. T


    My parents don't hate them but don't love them but I think my mum likes them more than my dad cause she had one when she was younger and she bought me the very first one. My school lets people take tamas to school but they don't let any other type of electronics.Also I don't think my school will...
  17. T

    HELP! I can’t pass the Judges!?

    Passing depends on how much you pratice, how much skill points and luck. I had 999 in all my skill points but didn't passed but I got 999 in everythimg in the next gen and passed so its mostly luck and also just because you pass the judges doesn't mean you will get a boy I passed and got a girl...
  18. T

    Changing instruments on Music Star...

    Are you on your first genaration if you are this is normal when your tama is a teen the music teacher will come and give you a insrument and then you can go to music school. To change the instrument go to where you go to play games and choose instrument then choose by pressing the first button...
  19. T

    Tamagotchi Music Star - Mating Guide!

    You can get a boy cause i did
  20. T


    I mean they don't do like the music star. They don't beeb and you press a button and thy go take a shower 'cause I have all the Tama too and they DON'T do it