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  1. T

    Who put ____ in ____?

    who put the mine in Jasmine
  2. T

    Boy or Girl?

    :furawatchi: Boirl
  3. T

    Boy or Girl?

  4. T

    Rate the Siggy above you!

  5. T

    so can anyone tell me thier SECRET rooms?

    What are secret rooms and how do you go there and get them
  6. T

    Music City Makiko 7

    Where is makiko 7 and how do you get there
  7. T

    super magical (not really)tama log

    Hi again well Rob just envoled into a kuchitamatchi. Stats   0yrs 15lb Hungry 0000 Happy 0000 Stress 00 Tone 242 Rhythm 240 Original 249 Asian music 5th Gen 500p   I'll post agian when he goes to preschool
  8. T

    Pronounce the username above you!

  9. T

    super magical (not really)tama log

    Well howdy partners :rolleyes: , Sid left today and I named the baby rob just for Evil Dazzilitchi any way thats really it I'm not gonna do stats on this one cause in one hour it will be more exiting ok so bye
  10. T

    1st thing 3 wordss

    Its like jam but its sour Search it
  11. T

    1st thing 3 wordss

    cute,fluffy,dogs Marmalade
  12. T

    What time did you go to sleep last night?

    11:45pm and I'm just ten but it is the summer holidays
  13. T

    Does anyone know what is the exact date

    I think it is when you donate um ok so you know gotchi record and there is donations i think its when you donate all of what ti says and the place will be named after you.
  14. T

    Rate the Siggy above you!

  15. T

    super magical (not really)tama log

    Hi guys sorry I coudn't do it in more detail so yeah he got an award for jazz and classical and got married to a mimitchi and had a boy named rob.I'm a little annoyed at my dad so I'm writing in dull colours.Any um oh yeah the name is from evil dazzilitchi anyway um   Stats Pleae high light...
  16. T

    super magical (not really)tama log

    I can't do stats or go into detail 'cause I'm about to go out anyway um Sid got award for 1st in Jazz and got married had a boy named him rob cause of evil tazzilitchi. ok bye. p.s I'll hopefully do more after i come back. :P
  17. T

    How to Get Mimitchi

    Mimtchi also likes staecks
  18. T

    Rate the Siggy above you!
