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  1. F

    When do V3s come out in Canada?

    :angry: I'm wondering when they'll come here. All my friends and I have been waiting for them and they haven't come :wub:
  2. F

    wet/swimming tama!

    my friends fell in the toilet, she just unscrewed it and wiped the water out and it was fine
  3. F

    Which Tamagotchi V3 design is your favorite?

    I like them all especially the first 2 ;)
  4. F

    how do i get a Kinakomotchi(child)?

    I got a furawatchi with 5 trainng bars and it marryed on the matchmaker and I got a kinakomotchi . . . it was gen 2
  5. F

    The matchmaker wont come!

    oops, I meant the matchmaker B) :wacko: :D :D
  6. F

    The matchmaker wont come!

    tamas will get matchmakers at 7 yrs old or 8 at 10:30
  7. F

    Where did you buy your tamagotchi?

    oh, and I have 2 and I'm tamasitting my cousins and I got it for her and from walmart
  8. F

    Where did you buy your tamagotchi?

    all mine are from walmart since there its 14.99 and in toys r us its 17.99 (oh, I live in canada thats why)
  9. F

    christmas tree?

    mine has a tree right now! I think it not a tama but a tree. :wacko:
  10. F

    The bear

    oh, and an exclamation mark comes out of it!
  11. F

    The bear

    Okay, I would like to know what the bear does. Not the stuffed animal, the bear. Its just called bear. My tamas look like they died when they play with it! :o :huh: :o
  12. F

    fav tamas

    I like :kuribotchi: and :D and ^_^ !!!!
  13. F

    Feeding, being happy

    I think they liked the food and the baby is fed too so they like it so they ... dance!
  14. F

    Umm costume

    What everyone said but the costume will disapear after it comes off! I made my gzarutchi into a panda once. It looked weird
  15. F

    My tama has my taste of music!

    hmm... I don't know. They usually dance randomly. When I had a young mimitchi, it never danced.
  16. F

    What weight do all the stages of tamas have to be?

    Oh, if you use soda when your an adult you don't have to be 30 lbs, you can turn into 22 lbs
  17. F


    my tamas only get to 8/9 training :blink: I get gozarutchi :huh: sometimes. He's a bad character
  18. F


    my friend has oniochi and I have marutchi right now onionchi is actually kinda good.
  19. F

    WHAT happens when the babies come?

    My tamas got babies just now and niki was holding them and connecting at the time and she did present and they said no and the present came and it swirled and babies popped out! Well, thats what she said happened. :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: