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  1. F

    Identical twins!

    OMG I used it and got something like a tamatchi ;) I can't use it yet but tommorow she's transforming so I'll try!
  2. F

    help! i dont know what character my tama is!

    Its was my first tama on v3 and I don't think they're very rare
  3. F


    Its a glitch.. if you can feed it the balls it usually will go back to normal. Otherwise try downloading
  4. F


    I'm not sure. You need to explain it a bit more. I think it could be the Easter Bunny that comes on your tama in March and April
  5. F

    is this normal?

    Its normal. You're just taking good care of it ;)
  6. F


    Check the ♡s
  7. F

    my firends tama is way messed

    My friend's tama had 2 in her food and when it ate them they looked like circles on plates. Same happened to my other friend.
  8. F

    Tama skull & then blank screen?

    Same thing happened to my friend's tamagotchi. Try pressing the reset button and then download. It worked for my friend
  9. F


    Sorry, I don't know but it happened to me too
  10. F

    Won't accept passwords

    The username on the tamagotchi has to be the same as he entered on tamatown. ;)
  11. F you have any?

    *pokes siggy*
  12. F

    Do v3`s

    not sure I've only had it for a day!
  13. F

    Jump on V.2

    well I just press random buttons but your suposed to press the buttons after they light up on the screen
  14. F

    i have got a big problem!

    press the rest button and selct download, cuz it need power to make the battery sign so you can use that bit of power again :lol:
  15. F


    no but it turned into a memetchi :lol:
  16. F

    Tamagotchi characters

    *pokes siggy*
  17. F

    Weird thing on V2...

    its just a fun effect. in march the easter bunny comes!
  18. F

    V3 in Canada?

    yes! in ontario walmarts it is I got mine yesterday
  19. F

    calling all v3 owners!

    its green w/ flowers the bg is blue with stripes and squares and its a tamatchi the stripes are on the edges btw look closely. and the iconsare yellow and blue arrow shapes