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  1. F

    Jhudora Rotten Negg

    My friend gave me one for my birthday and I still haven't tried.. it probably won't do anything
  2. F

    Do you have a shop?

  3. F

    How many avatars do you have?

    I have 175 :huh:
  4. F

    Please give me your neopets name

    mine is friendsmagic
  5. F

    How Many Neopoints Do You Have?

    Aroun 1 million.. but I wasted 200k and now I have 800,000
  6. F

    What found out

  7. F

    2 black lines on the screen?

    Same for me, I was trying to download my v2 light blue because the battery was out but the lines came on. Same happened to my v3 when I was changing the battery. Probably had something to do with the batteries
  8. F

    What found out

    go to to learn how to debug :huh:
  9. F

    What found out

    change time: press b to go to time then c and a at same time and you can change it
  10. F

    which character do you get most?

    I'd have to say :huh: She was my first tama and so cute :angry:
  11. F

    What found out

    You could change the time to fast forward it but if you want it hyper you have to debug
  12. F

    What found out

    Also tamas can't connect in the wind :huh: I've tried it a lot of times. If you do present or visit the tama characters go somewhere else instead of on the other person's tama's screen
  13. F

    What do you do with tamas at school?

    Tamas are banned from my school but some teachers let use play them. My teacher lets us so I just put it in my desk and check on it at the end of every period cuz sometimes if you play it too much during the lesson the teacher will take it :huh: (happened to me once)
  14. F

    Magic Chests On v3s

    Its random what happens. I've had mine turn into old ladys and old guys and babies.(And points and presents)
  15. F

    How to get a girl or boy tama from the Matchmaker

    Thanks! I keep getting boys :huh:
  16. F

    How to get Masktchi

    I got one almost like that its just I played games :huh: :huh:
  17. F

    Tamadex V3 Project!

    Here are some of my tamas (v3) and some of my friends' Gender: (Female) Toddler: (Tamatchi) Teen: (patapatachi) Adult: (Pyonkitchi) Generation: (Gen. 1) Gender: (Male) Toddler: (Mohitamatchi) Teen: (hikotchi) Adult: (chomametchi) Generation: (Gen. 2) Gender: (Female) Toddler...
  18. F


    My friend had him. My tama married him. I connected my v2 with it to but her tama never gave umbrella for a present
  19. F

    Get to your next generation faster! ^_^

    Its 11:59 pm and I always do that ;)
  20. F


    Hmm.. She was my first tamagotchi on v2 and I wasn't taking very much care of her ..Only checked her every hour and usually 2 hearts were empty .. I wonder how I got her :unsure: ;) And furawatchi sounds better than leaftchi :wacko: