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  1. S


    I have both games: Nintendogs - dashund & friends - I have 8 dogs and one of them, Rebecca the golden retriever has learnt all of the tricks and has won the agility competition over 35 times in a row. I had all the breeds of dogs in the shop, over 30,000 trainer points, all the itmes and...
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    How often do you take a shower?

    I usually take a shower every morning and every night - the same with my teeth. ;) And I wash my hair every 2 - 3 days - it really depends on how dirty it is. ;) -sk8er girl-
  3. S

    I got bit... by a vampire doll!

    Maybe Alimania is right? Or maybe your finger was cut before and you didn't notice and some of the blood went onto the doll? Did the doll have sharp teeth? If it did, then you might have caught your finger on them. ;) -sk8er girl-
  4. S

    O.M.G! Is it just me or is it Global Warming?

    It depends which country you live in - they all have different heats. Like I live in the U.K. where it's winter, and countires at the other side of the world (like Australia) are enjoying a nice hot summer! ;) But yes, global warming is getting worse every day - and it's all because of...
  5. S

    Nintendo DS

    Username: sk8er girl Colour: Pink original nintendo DS Games: Animal Crossing : Wild World Nintendogs - dashund & friends Garfield 2 Sims 2 Pets Braing Training Want: 'Tamagotchi Corner Shop 2' (When it's released in the U.K.) & maybe 'hamsterz' Favorite Features: Everything...
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    Tamagotchi batteries are the same as most type of watch batteries. ;) They are a 'CR2032' battery. ;) Ebay is a good & easy place to find & buy them from too: -sk8er girl-
  7. S

    Fast shoes!

    Please don't SPAM or go offtopic. People will reply when they wish. :( And also, adult tamas will run across the scren a few times but then they will go back to their original 'moving slowly around the screen' position. :angry: -sk8er girl-
  8. S

    Hey Ya'll!

    Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! :) Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. :angry: Please remember to take time to read the tamatalk rules & regulations: And take a look...
  9. S

    I'm New Please Help me

    Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! :) Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. :angry: Please remember to take time to read the tamatalk rules & regulations: And take a look...
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    My Cat Squeegie

    Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! :) Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. :angry: Please remember to take a look through the tamatalk rules & regulations: Feel free to PM...
  11. S


    Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. Please remember to take a look through the tamatalk rules & regulations: Feel free to PM me if you need...
  12. S


    Yes, the pixelmood website is very useful and shows you step-by-step of how to debug your tamagotchi. But remember, you must be prepared as the is a 50% risk that your tamagotchi will get damaged and may not work again. Also, on tamagotchi connections (US Versions) can be debugged...
  13. S

    I'm new at this soo..

    1. Yes, if your tamagotchi dies, it will stay in the 'history' section forever - unless you reset it. 2. If your tamagotchi dosen't mate/get married, it won't have tamababies and therefore will continue to grow old until it eventually dies - as there will be no baby to go onto the next...
  14. S

    How much did YOU pay 4 your tama?

    For most of my tamagotchis - the bandai V2, V3 & V4 versions, I paid £12.50 (U.K. money) for them which is equivalent to around $25.00 (US). The most I've ever spent on a tamagotchi was £20/$40 - I paid that ammount for my uratama & one of my V3s off ebay. :furawatchi: But overall...
  15. S

    What skin r u in?

    At the moment I'm using the green camo tamatalk skin - I switched to it from the orange burst skin yesterday infact! :unsure: I think it's great that members can chose from 4 different skins for the forum. :furawatchi: -sk8er girl-
  16. S


    At school, don't pupils only go on computers under the supervision of a teacher? :furawatchi: I would only think that most schools would only allow their pupils to go on educational websites during the school period. In my old school, we had a computer room with 15 computers. There were...
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    Ufiar Unfair

    Yes, that does sound a little bit unfair. But in more 'important' plays/shows, you usually have to do an audition and the best audition/s get the part. In my school, the people who wanted a part had to audition, then the rest of the class would have to vote over who was the best in they're...
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    V3 passwords

    All 7 V3 shop codes were posted be Kyliesmum on tamatalk here: Also, please remember to post in the correct section next time. :furawatchi: -sk8er girl-
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    Animal Abuse

    Aw - that's a very 'heart touching' poster. :furawatchi: I am an animal lover so I'm quite sensitive over things like that. It makes me sad & upset to see & hear that helpless animals are being abused. :unsure: I'm even planning on helping out in the 'RSPCA' - an animal rescue...
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    Nintendo DS or Nintendo DS Lite

    I have the original pink nintendo DS. I brought it when the lites were first released but I decided I like the normal version better. The lites have a brighter screen so you can play it out in the sun etc - but I wouldn't be playing on my nintendo DS out in the sunshine, I'd be having summer...