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  1. L

    Just got a new TamaGo and I have a few questions..

    Ok and another thing, my Tama is still one year old and it's an adult (Mametchi).. Is that normal for a TamaGo? I was hoping it would be like, 6 or 7 by the time it got to be an adult so I could breed as soon as possible.
  2. L

    Just got a new TamaGo and I have a few questions..

    Thanks! So I'm assuming I don't keep their partner D: Edit: sorry didn't read it all the way, ignore what i said lol
  3. L

    Just got a new TamaGo and I have a few questions..

    Okay, so when I was reaaaalllyyyyy little I had two Tamgotchis, I forget what version they were, but I LOVED them. Now, many years later, I have rediscovered Tamagotchis! I found a new TamaGo for only 10 bucks, so I got it. My Tama is now 1 year old and I have a few questions about this new form...