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  1. D

    Weird Pause Situation

    You could even try taping the battery in to make sure it stays there. If resetting doesn't work it's probably because the battery's moved (it's happened to me). Sometimes a little bump may knock the battery back into place. Once my v1 blanked out and I was looking for a screwdriver to open up...
  2. D

    ARGH. XP

    That happened to me, but maybe because I ran through sprinklers with it once. It's only the A button though. Sometimes I used the end of my Nintendo DS's stylus or the end of a pencil to push the buttons! You could try sending it in to Bandai and seeing if they could fix it, however I've heard...
  3. D

    Universal Tama Problems

    I believe that these are the factors that influence your Tamagotchi turning into a universal character: Starvation and unhappiness- I don't really need to explain these but anyway... Whenever one heart empties, fill it up straight away! Don't wait until it beeps to care for it! And if you think...
  4. D

    Money on the music star

    Apparently when your Tamagotchi gets older it can make money by working part-time or performing in concerts.
  5. D

    When do Version 4 Tamagotchi Evolve?

    48 hours. If you pause your Tamagotchi it will stunt your Tamagotchi's growth.
  6. D

    Making stress level go down.

    I also heard that playing games might help lower your Tamagotchi's stress level. I'm not 100% sure though.
  7. D

    Look! O.o

    On my v1 I raised 99+ generations (I raised 104 to be exact) and I'm pretty sure I could have gone on forever if I hadn't taken the battery out, so I'm assuming it's the same with age- it can go on forever as long as you take fairly good care of it. Though it's just mainly some odd feeling that...
  8. D

    Weird Pause Situation

    Neither of those things have ever happened to me so I'm not sure how to fix them. Sometimes the battery might shift in an odd position so the screen blanks out- that's happened to me before, but generally that only happens if your Tamagotchi has been knocked against something. You could try...
  9. D

    How long does it take...

    On a v4 it takes 48 hours. If you've paused it, it may take longer.
  10. D


    It would be a nice touch but it would probably eat up the battery quicker than any other Tamagotchi. I wonder how long the TMGC+C's battery lasts?
  11. D

    Can a V4 and V4.5 marry?

    I wish that there weren't any oldies either. I remember having a v5 and raising a Sunnytchi/Sanitchi, and raising it for about six weeks knowing full well that it would never become an oldie! Both Tamagotchi must be at least 48 hours into the adult stage to mate by connection if I remember...
  12. D

    V6 Music Star

    I probably shouldn't be posting since I haven't got a Tamagotchi Music Star and they haven't come out in my area yet and I'm just judging from what I've heard. Apparently you only raise one character at a time on a Music Star as opposed to the v5's "raise three to five characters." So I'm...
  13. D

    v4.5 help

    Unfortunately I don't know where you could find any likes/dislikes charts or anything like that. What I can give you are some tips to caring for your Tamagotchi. Feeding- Feed your Tamagotchi meals when any of its hunger hearts are empty. Feed it until all of its hunger hearts are full. If you...
  14. D

    new and help

    Sure! The v4.5 is quite similar to the v4. The only differences are that the games are different, the characters are different and the skills are different. The skill points are: Face: Humour/Funny Sparkle: Gorgeousness Fist: Passion/Spiritual The games are: Climb (unlocked at baby...
  15. D

    Frozen matchmaker

    Well he should be able to download. Tell him that downloading may be the only way to fix it. Anyway, if you just left it frozen, then you wouldn't be able to do anything with it and if you couldn't download for whatever reason I don't know, then you would be able to do something, though at the...
  16. D

    i should of got a mameitchi on my v5.5

    CheetahLoverGirl456- Tamagotchi don't always evolve at a certain time of day, especially if you have paused your Tamagotchi at some point. They evolve when they have been in that stage for a certain amount of hours. x-wing- As everyone has said, maybe your bonding was too high. On the v5...
  17. D

    how old do you have to be to get married

    It depends on what version you have. v1-v4.5: 72 hours after evolving into an adult, if I remember correctly. v5: 48 hours after evolving into an adult.
  18. D

    Skill points on 4.5

    Unfortunately a lot of things are random when your Tamagotchi is a toddler- skill points included. There are certain foods that increase your Tamagotchi's skill points by 1-3 points, however, I don't know which ones they are and I don't know any charts. Perhaps you could be one of the first ones...
  19. D

    new and help

    Well I'd probably do the v5, but that's just me, because the v5 is, in my opinion, a lot easier to care for than the other two. Let me remind you about the features of each so that you can make your decision. (Okay, so I didn't really give you much of a choice there when I said "let me remind...
  20. D

    why is my tama an adult masktchi 1 yr old!?!

    Did you ever have to reset and download your Tamagotchi for any reason (e.g. changing the batteries, trying to fix glitches etc.)? If so, this might have caused the 1 year old Masukutchi. If not, don't panic, the age is only there to give you a general idea of how old your Tamagotchi is anyhow.