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  1. N

    tama mini!

    are they like the old ones?
  2. N

    Wats wrong with my V2 :(!

    ur tamas getting tired of that game. nothings wrong.
  3. N

    tama mini!

    can you still connect with them?
  4. N

    Who else has a bouncing thing?

    its an animation
  5. N

    school rumor TAMAS

    i dont know if mine does, buit i play with it anyway :(
  6. N

    tama ds

    o well i just heard about it.
  7. N

    poor joey

    Tamagotchi's Name: joey Tamagotchi's Age: 20 Date of Birth: july 7 Date of Passing: july 27 What Generation? 7 Your Comments: waaaa! poor old joey. i hope he died of old age, not of something ive done. :huh:
  8. N

    weird, pointless poll

    im not spamming! :huh:
  9. N

    weird, pointless poll

    i just wanna know what you people think.
  10. N

    tama ds

    have any of you heard about the tama ds? i just googled it and its comeing out in sept, for america, at least.
  11. N


    ive seen one! there cool but they beep too much!
  12. N

    tama marrige

    cool thanx
  13. N

    Would you bebug your tama?

    debugged tamas r cool!
  14. N

    i wanna get kusatchi what should i do?

    i love kusatchi, but never get it help!
  15. N

    is furwatchi a hard tama to get

    take really good care of your tama, best bet is the star then young mametchi then on its 3rd day, dont take good care at all!
  16. N


    do u mean codes?
  17. N


    ooh, that happened to me! its a glitch. i got it returned at the store. ITS MALFUNCTIAL :D
  18. N

    tama marrige

    how do tamas get married?
  19. N

    Is it true that.........

    it doesnt unless ur an adult and can use the costume :D
  20. N

    what happened to my tamagotchi?

    ok, maybe it did happen when i changed batteries. thats for that site! :D