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  1. haleyhashats

    The Hunger Games.

    Cinder looked at Anna, nodding, thinking of her district. "Well, we manage power... nothing too exciting, really. How about you... District eleven right? Agriculture?" She asked, glancing up at Anna.
  2. haleyhashats

    The Hunger Games.

    Cinder watched, she didn't want to trust this girl - in fact, she didn't trust this girl. But still, she put her head sideways on the pile, not wanting to lie directly on the wound. She glanced at Anna, "A simple name, but it's pretty. I'm Cinder. And... uh..." Cinder went silent for a moment...
  3. haleyhashats

    The Hunger Games.

    Cinder nodded, carefully dropping to the ground, her fingers still tightly wrapped around the handle of the knife. She was working on steadying out her breathing, she looked up at the girl. "You never answered me... what is your name?" Cinder asked, staring intently at the girls face.
  4. haleyhashats

    The Hunger Games.

    Cinder nodded, worried. She knew she wouldn't be as fast as normal, from the wound, she probably have to keep up with Anna by jogging quickly. She gulped. "Three." She whispered, she took off, immediately feeling the effect of a headache forming. At least her vision was better, knowing this, she...
  5. haleyhashats

    The Hunger Games.

    Cinder watched Anna grab her knife, and then come back. "Alright, the predator is watching us. We have to be very careful... What's your name?" She said, looking around for quick ways of escape.
  6. haleyhashats

    The Hunger Games.

    Cinder tried standing, slowly getting up. She kept the knife in hand, she looked at the girl. "Go get your knife."
  7. haleyhashats

    The Hunger Games.

    Cinder nodded, freezing with the girl. "We're a team, for now." She said quietly, closing her eyes - trying to listen for any further sounds.
  8. haleyhashats

    The Hunger Games.

    Cinder watched the girl throw her knife in the distance. She may be weaponless, maybe, but what if she fought with her hands? Cinder grunted, watching the knife land with a thud. "What else do you have with you?" Cinder wanted to see what this girl carried. What had she taken from the...
  9. haleyhashats

    The Hunger Games.

    Cinder kept her knife pointed at the girl, who seemed to be panicking. She needed help, and all she really wanted to do was rest. She knew the wound on the back of her head wasn't too bad, she knew she could live with it. Soon it would get better, but what if it got infected? Cinder almost...
  10. haleyhashats

    The Hunger Games.

    Cinder recoiled at the sound of a voice, flipping around she watched her vision blur, seeing a shape stand by a tree. Sitting, she reached into her pack, grabbing the handle of her knife and pointing it at the blur. "Who are you?" She hissed, her vision returning to normal. It was a girl, older...
  11. haleyhashats

    The Hunger Games.

    Cinder stood cautiously, she knew the other tributes would come eventually. Something flew at her, hitting her head and she fell onto her hands and knees, groaning. Attempting to stand, she fell again, and felt the back of her head. Pulling her hand back she noticed a small flow of blood...
  12. haleyhashats

    The Hunger Games.

    Cinder jumped a few trees away from the crowd of two, she needed to get moving. She climbed down, being quite a distance from the two. She decided upon a plan: hide, form no alliances, trust no one, and stay alive. Her mentor told her to form alliances, to help bring in sponsors - but Cinder was...
  13. haleyhashats


    trolololol suuuureeee c:
  14. haleyhashats

    The Hunger Games.

    Cinder was on the ground now, walking cautiously, watching and listening to everything around her. She must have been quite far from the other tributes, as all she heard was the faint sounds of the arena. However, she wasn't paying good attention, as her mind was elsewhere - focusing on her...
  15. haleyhashats

    The Hunger Games.

    { About the length... haha! xD I was trying to fit everything in here so I could catch up. :3 } Cinder's mouth was sealed shut as the plate lifted into the arena, everything was so new to her. She was younger than most of the competitors, and she could tell just by glancing at them. She was also...
  16. haleyhashats


    I enjoy being alone. Being with family is tiring, for me. Since they expect me to entertain them often. Why? I don't know. However, I love hanging out with my friends, since we're all so close. But I thoroughly enjoy being alone and just reading or listening to music, or even being online, for...
  17. haleyhashats

    [Research] Imaginary friends

    I had a little lion cub imaginary friend when I was younger, he was a male & he talked. Haha! I'm straight.
  18. haleyhashats

    The Hunger Games.

    Name: Cinder Marie Torelli Age: Thirteen. Gender: Female Appearance: Cinder has a very fair, pale skin tone, and yet she has dark brown eyes to knock everything off. She's very small, standing at about four-nine, not even five foot. She has dirty blonde hair, with dark tones. Her genetics...
  19. haleyhashats

    The Hunger Games OOC topic

    kjsnfaskngkjnh. yes. are you only allowed to play one tribute? never mind. i shall return ;)