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  1. purpurn

    What Annoys You?

    I use jpeg usually cause it has a nice compression rate and most places if you post pics accept jpeg because of it's compression rate. I know why it's supposed to be used for photography and painted pics, but really is it that bad? Just curious, how do you think these words are supposed to be...
  2. purpurn

    can people get bored of playing the same toy over and over?

    I find that different versions of tamas and virtual pets offer different things. Some are really challenging like the Oceangotchi, and some are more laid back and easy going to take care of. I collect different versions (I try to get one of each version or type of pet) so that I have a variety...
  3. purpurn

    Unusual/convenient Tamagotchi Holders?

    I keep mine in the front pocket of my LeSportsac which is just a little makeup case that I actually use to hold my gameboy micro and games XD. They sit in the front pocket: I got the bag as a gift from my brother when he came back from his honeymoon in Hawaii. It's a Pacific region only bag...
  4. purpurn

    Littlest Pet Shop em or hate em?

    I remember trying one of those a while back (like when I just got outta high school...) I was entertained for about 5 minutes if I remember. I don't think I actually brought it anywhere with me like I do with my tamas, so I think there was a little of a lack luster relationship with them and me...
  5. purpurn

    Teen Preganancy

    I have known some people who were teen moms that turned out really well and were terrific parents! I also know some people who are adults and have kids and shouldn't have had any children in the first place... You do stack the odds against you getting pregnant at a younger age. Things will be...
  6. purpurn

    My Moment, by Rebecca Black

    Great stick to itness, but really - I don't like her singing. She's probably a great person and cool to hang with, but can she dream a little quieter? She isn't a good singer. She is dry, nasal, and unenthused when singing and really shows no technique at all. The people that autotune her are...
  7. purpurn

    everybody get on tamatown theres a weird thing going on!?!?!?!?!?

    LOL flash mob on tamatown XD -Purn
  8. purpurn

    Perhaps I'm Just Stupid...

    I think it's just that there is a shop on the gotchi figures, not that the shop on the tama changes. As for tamatown online, I don't know cause I don't go on there... -Purn
  9. purpurn

    who can tell me something about virtual alligator pet?

    It's a tamagotchi-like virtual pet, but not a brand name "Tamagotchi". I think the actual name of this type of pet is call Ryuuta-kun?? It's supposed to be a dinosaur I think. I haven't owned one of these so I can't tell you much about it, but it looks like his nose got a little melted or...
  10. purpurn

    Tamagotchi Bean Bag Chair (Cradle)

    Hey there, So This week I have created a Tamagotchi Bean Bag Chair or a Soft version of a cradle. I can make a few more of these seeing as I have more material left. Mostly my color choices range from Black to red to pretty dark colors XD. I can also make these a little bigger for larger size...
  11. purpurn

    Buying Tamagotchis

    Wow - killer find! -Purn
  12. purpurn

    Are you in a relationship?

    LOL I'm married. I met my husband on a different forum we both were members of. We started talking and hit it off so well that I moved to the state that he lived in and we have been chillin' ever since. We've known each other since 2008 and we got married about a year ago. :) So yes, I'm in a...
  13. purpurn

    Buying Tamagotchis

    A lot of stores just aren't carrying them anymore. Try clearanced sections of stores like toys R' us, walmart, some people have found them at walgreens pharmacy and other odd places. Mostly you will find the Tama-go and figures in these places. Anything older than that you will most likely have...
  14. purpurn

    The Tamagotchi Spirit

    I think part of the issue is yes, Bandai has advertized badly; Two - world economy is not doing so well and kinda teeter tottering at the moment; and three - Bandai has given up on the English speaking portion of their tamagotchi base because they made it unpopular through lack of good PR. My...
  15. purpurn

    Tamatown v4 and v4.5

    From what I've read here, Tamatown has not been working for a few months now.... I don't think anyone knows when or if it will be back up again. -Purn
  16. purpurn

    JD tamagotchi connection pet and laser pen?

    Even if something is copyrighted, it doesn't mean that the company holding the rights to the item/idea/character has to sue anyone for using the same sort of idea. Even characters for Bandai Tamagotchi might not be all copyrighted, but some I'm sure are licensed through them (having made an...
  17. purpurn

    What do you want in the next Tamagotchi?

    I wish they would do that - add some features to them and make them connections. Think of connecting an Angel and Devilgotchi together -that would be so cool!
  18. purpurn

    First Word That Comes to Mind

  19. purpurn

    Survivor hatch

    Cool! Love mimitchi LOL *points to avatar* Eddie is 10 today too. Still hangin about the screen. I have taken to the slot game lately... XD GAMBLING ON TAMAS!!!! but really it's the only way to make any gotchi points on the V2 X_X -Purn
  20. purpurn

    Knitted Kuchipatchi Plush

    Hey there, So I made a Mimitchi plush a few weeks ago and I had some responses to make another character. I had the yarn available, so I made a Kuchipatchi. :) Here are a few pics and for size reference I snuk my V2 in with him and also the Mimitchi that I knitted too. I had tried to...