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  1. purpurn

    Giga Pets - Did they bug you as a child too?

    When I was younger, about 9 years old, my parents wouldn't let me have/buy any virtual pet in 1997. I was completely ticked off at them at the time for it cause I was like the ONLY child at school who didn't have one. :P ahhhh... the ol' days of being a loser... Anyway my friend's mom got me...
  2. purpurn

    new to this forum!

    Hi there.... this kinda sounded like an intro right up till the end part hahaha - not sure if the mods will move it or not, but to answer your question I would look here: That's teh reference section. I go here usually before I...
  3. purpurn

    Theres a Bug in my Familitchi, LITERALLY!

    Just also to be on the safe side - do you have any small pets or animals in your home? That to me sounds like a mite. Mites can do a lot of harm to pocket pets (living animals) and possibly even kill them if not treated properly. If you do have small animals look in their arm pit area to see if...
  4. purpurn

    Legalization of Marijauna

    Well, what is so different about smoke from Cannabis vs. Tabacco? You're still putting smoke into your lungs, but Tabacco is legal in the US and even though it is proven to cause cancer and a whole shabang of other lung issues, they don't stop selling it cause it could kill you. The same goes...
  5. purpurn

    Digimon Digivices: Generations One through Three

    Are you thinking of getting 2 of them? Cause one of the points to Digimon was being able to battle :D I would say the season 1 or maybe 2, but that's cause those were the ones I had. :P I liked them, but they just weren't the same as the original digimon. I really liked the original v-pet...
  6. purpurn

    Mothra question

    Perhaps there should be a mothra hatch devised LOL that way people could log about what ones they get and how they took care of them. I love mothra tamas, but I haven't run mine in a while. I love the animations and sound a ton! :D -Purn
  7. purpurn

    Devilgotchi Sales

    Isn't this a double post? I thought this exact conversation was moved to tbay O_o As for finding a devilgotchi - good luck. In the past they have gone up to as much as $250 for one of them. It really depends on if you are lucky enough to find one in the first place and see if it is for a good...
  8. purpurn

    Genjintch general information

    I thought it was kinda needy, but no where near as annoying as a Umino. The Morino is fun, but I find the whole getting stepped on thing to be annoying kinda like the polar bear. :< -Purn
  9. purpurn

    Littlest Pet Shop

    I used to have a ton of LPS from the 90's when I was little too. I think they made them bigger in the 2000's cause they were concerned with the smaller size being a choking hazard. I have two of the newer ones on my desk, but I miss them being a bit smaller like the old ones. XD -Purn
  10. purpurn

    Please correct me

    People on ebay selling usually place *RARE* in the title to make it seem like it is worth more than it generally is.... I have seen this particular shell come up quite a few times on ebay. I wouldn't worry about it, but if you are worried that it might not be an actual Bandai tama ask the seller...
  11. purpurn

    What Is Your Religion?

    Technically I'm Roman Catholic. Not that I adhere to that strictly at all in any way. I believe in some sort of higher power, but I don't take the Bible word for word and think of it more as an updated version of Asop's Fables - A collection of stories used to teach people about life lessons...
  12. purpurn

    Panicking HARDCORE

    I live in the US and I've never had an issue with pay duties or taxes on imports through ebay. Though I do understand that some might not take care of that when they ship it, I have never had that happen. You could try contacting the seller to see if they made some sort of claim on the package...
  13. purpurn

    Are Excuses Necessary for Survival?

    If people were more considerate about others, then possibly no. The reason excuses exist is because we feel we need to have one in order to keep our job, or status with another individual. I mean, I suppose it depends on what kind of excuses you are talking about? The made up kind or the real...
  14. purpurn

    What will the next tamagatchi be?

    Actually I don't think there is any set to come out for the English speaking countries, but there is a 15th Anniversary IDL I believe that is coming out in November in Japan. Other than that - I haven't heard of any other plans for new tamas. -Purn
  15. purpurn

    Do you take it out in public?

    LOL also - did I mention that I get my husband to play one with me most of the time anyway? XD so we will both we sitting there beeping away with them at like a fast food place or something hahahahah We're dweebs, but we don't care cause we seem to be the only ones having any fun most of the...
  16. purpurn

    Customizing Your Precious Tamagotchis

    I have an old beat up p2 tamagotchi that I got in a lot. The thing was poorly taken care of so I plan on repainting and customizing the screen and things. The insides work fine, just the shell looks terrible. I don't have the money to get pain. I was thinking of getting spray paint and clear...
  17. purpurn

    Do you take it out in public?

    I take mine with me most anywhere I go - I'm not shy about it. I never notice people giving me weird looks or anything cause most people are too busy looking at and playing with their phones. What does it matter either? No one said I had to give up neat keychain games when I turned a certain...
  18. purpurn

    Anyone know japanese?

    I hate Katakana XD I can at least read a little Hiragana though -Purn
  19. purpurn


    My people hail from Canada. I'm part French Canadian - I can't speak French and I don't live in Canada, but boy - it really answers a lot of questions for me XD -Purn
  20. purpurn

    Anyone know japanese?

    Just so you know - your konichiwa should have a "ha" as the last symbol.... weird Japanese writing system ._.; I'm not quite clear on what your name is and.... doara(?)zoyorushiku...... ???? O_o;;; I apparently still need more practice ._. -Purn