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  1. purpurn

    last person to post wins :]

    LOL - Purn
  2. purpurn


    Just tryin' tah help a sista out! The guilt I felt over things that weren't my fault screwed me up for a long couple of years until I started to realize that it had nothing to do with me really. I'd rather save others from that if I can cause I can never get that time of my life back. :) I'm...
  3. purpurn

    Stripped Screw Help?

    This only works occasionally - I would try it though no harm in trying since this won't damage the tama. But if the screw is too stripped it will not work. Occasionally if it's just a little stripped trying a smaller or larger screw driver will get a bit of grip - I find that sometimes I over...
  4. purpurn

    Has Tamagotchi inspired any of you to learn Japanese (even just a little) ?

    Well, I started to learn a bit about Japanese from a teacher I had in middle school years and years ago. My friend and I would practice talking with him occasionally and he would tell us about when he grew up there as a child and how different it is from the USA (he studied here when he was a...
  5. purpurn

    Light icon?

    It is true :) When your tama falls asleep you should turn the light off so that it can get some good rest and wake up refreshed in the morning. I don't remember too well, but I think not turning the lights out does cause the tama to wake up at unusual times in the morning and can also cause it...
  6. purpurn

    Tama Art

    All you guys have super cute drawings and pictures up! A lot of talent here :) I like seeing everyone's take on tama characters -Purn
  7. purpurn


    Dear Grace, Please take solace in the fact that it isn't your fault that your parents gradually got separated. I'm 24 now, but I left my parents home when I was 18. About the time that I was 19 or 20 my siblings told me that my parents ALMOST split up because of me and the things that I was/did...
  8. purpurn

    Which tama's would you recommend for a vintage lover?

    I would say the mothra tama - I think it's really fun and easy going as far as some of the themed older versions. I also think the godzilla themed characters are super cute <3 -Purn
  9. purpurn

    Homosexuality - what is your view?

    Only a few years back it was thought odd or strange for women to vote or become a mechanic, or vice versa for a man to become an elementary school teacher or nurse. Society has always had weird ideas about how and what a woman and man should be. Gradually people broke out of those stereotypes...
  10. purpurn

    My Meebas Problem

    If I remember right when I had one it made the wirring noise you are talking about when it finally let the meeba out. I think it just has to do with the locking mechanism that keeps the trapped door at the top closed. There has to be some sort of motor built in them to release that so I would...
  11. purpurn

    Something I learned on eBay...a sort of buying warning.

    I would say that if the seller didn't provide tracking in the first place I would not extend the courtesy back. I would simply keep the receipt and clearly mark the date and where it was shipped to and send them confirmation that way if they requested it. Though, come to think of it - I think...
  12. purpurn

    I'm back again for a while

    Hi guys, So, I ended up leaving abruptly around Christmas - I actually got pretty sick suddenly and have been through a bit in and out of the doctors offices and tests and surgery and whatnot. I'm still sick, and I would like to not disclose much about what it is (it's not life threatening...
  13. purpurn

    12 Days of Christmas Holiday Hatch - All V-Pet Welcome!

    @ZuZu - No problem with me - Finals and schooling is important! Honestly, I would like people to try and start today, but hey, it's Christmas! The more the merrier! :D I'm gonna kick off my part of the Hatch! :D So, I started my Gen 1 and 2 DigiMon at 11:36 this morning. Both are English...
  14. purpurn

    Yuki Penguin Orange?

    It might be a bit faded, or it could be the picture quality from the person who took the photo. I see some on ebay that look orange, but really it's just the lighting or picture quality. -Purn
  15. purpurn

    12 Days of Christmas Holiday Hatch - All V-Pet Welcome!

    This is looking to be a terrific hatch! :D I'm so glad everyone will be joining us - I'm excited for it to start in just a few days! @Erosia - I'm excited to see how long you can get your Ocean to live. I think the longest I've had mine live is about 5 days and then it just decided to die...
  16. purpurn

    12 Days of Christmas Holiday Hatch - All V-Pet Welcome!

    @Sailor Rosette - I know how that can be - trying to find batteries that work LOL. @SuperChamaGirl - It's not a problem that you can't post pics. I'm just glad that you are going to be joining us! :D I look forward to reading about your Tama-Go. @ZuZu - Sorry, I'm not trying to make anyone...
  17. purpurn

    Have you ever beat the dance game on the V1?

    Hahaha the games on the V1 are hard hahah. I think I've only ever beat them once at one point or another. They are totally harder though than later ones. :) -Purn
  18. purpurn

    Are Tamas Really For "Little Kids?"

    I remember when gameboy was designed for little kids to play games. I've seen a lot more older adults playing the newer versions of like DS the past few years. It's all really on how you look at it. I'm 23, soon to be 24 and I still play with tamas and other virtual pets. I bring them most...
  19. purpurn

    How to play tug of war on a v4.5

    I believe (if I'm remembering this correctly) there is a bar that charges before the round starts and you want to stop the bar when it is full or close to full and your tama will pull harder. Your tama wins once it pulls the competition to near the center of the screen. Usually I think it takes...
  20. purpurn

    12 Days of Christmas Holiday Hatch - All V-Pet Welcome!

    @NintendNerd - Awesome! I can't wait to see them both in action! That was nice of your cousin to get it for you :) @Sailor Rosette - I love the season 1 Digivice pets! :D That is a tough choice hahah. I totally encourage any pet - you have a while - the hatch doesn't start till 12/12. -Purn