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  1. purpurn

    Ghosts. (O_O)

    Firstly, when stuff freaks you out remember to take a deep breath. Secondly, getting your house blessed if you don't feel like you can do it on your own might be a good idea (I don't know if what is in your place is really all that bad, but what can it hurt?) After all of that - I think you need...
  2. purpurn


    Well, just cause couples don't fight doesn't mean the relationship is perfect. I mean your parents probably still have differences of opinion from time to time, they just work it out together in a calm and respectful way (hopefully). My husband and I don't always see eye to eye on things, but we...
  3. purpurn

    So I just got my first Ocean...

    Yes it beeps when it needs attention. I have played this tama about 4 times. The American and Japanese versions as far as I know don't have any real differences except like a character switch out maybe. But otherwise it's totally the same. The difference it you need to keep the water clean and...
  4. purpurn

    TamaTalkers you want to meet In Real Life

    I'd be up for meeting with everyone :) Hanging around having chips and pop talkin about what's up ~ yeah real chill man. Oh and tamagotchi foreva is my homey :) -Purn
  5. purpurn

    Tamagotchi L.I.F.E, New from Bandai

    I totally heard that too LOL I was going to point it out if no one else had heard it too XD Actually nintendo has put out a ton of stuff over the years like candy, plushes and toys, and shirts, bath soap, and stuff. We used to have a clip art from Nintendo on our Apple IIE.... I think what...
  6. purpurn

    The Tama-GO, A backwards step in the history of Tamagotchis?

    Like jwolf said, Bandai America and Bandai Asia are pretty much seperate companies under the same branding.... Bandai America hasn't been doing too well in the past few years. I think unfortunately they have gotten a few too many bad contracts with different companies partnering up to make toys...
  7. purpurn

    Telling the difference between certain versions

    It's not actually all that difficult. Generally the v5 tamas have things designed on them that pertain to "family" or "love my family" or "Familitchi" or just pretty or nifty patterns on the shell like the cookie one, the sakura Flower one, or buildings of different colors, etc. Also the...
  8. purpurn

    Do you think it could work?

    You can use guides on this forum to get your way through learning how to play the "game" - otherwise the tamas are pretty simple like normal tamagotchi. It just has a few other features that you can otherwise memorize. (i.e.- second thing on this list is a store, third thing on this list is a...
  9. purpurn

    New Angelgotchi Petition

    This is actually part of the problem with ideas like this - Bandai never created a connection version of the Tamagotchi Angel, if they did create one someone could say but that was MY IDEA and possibly get the company into some hot water. I don't disagree that a connection Angelgotchi (with...
  10. purpurn

    Furby 2012!

    I hated my old furby cause it scared the crap outta me once when I was sleeping as a kid. It was low on batteries and must have gotten kicked on somehow and started with the devil speak o_O; This one doesn't look so bad, but the changing personalities thing looks like he's being possessed by...
  11. purpurn

    Devilgotchi Purple or White?

    I found your white devilgotchi on ebay........ good luck selling it. -Purn
  12. purpurn

    Broken Dinkie Dino re-sale, beware!

    I find it odd that he has 100% feedback..... Are you sure that he doesn't have like a package of yellow dinkie dinos? I mean, it's not too uncommon for people who used to have stores full of them to sell them now cause they still have the stock of them... maybe it was a bogus one and he...
  13. purpurn

    Stories of online buying

    Well, it's not that buying from China automatically means that the item is fake. Hong Kong is like a huge center for creating "fakes". In all honesty from what I understand most people don't consider Hong Kong to be like the rest of China - like it's its own like "state" and has different...
  14. purpurn


    LOL - as others have said - no need to shout :P you can keep the text the normal size that it defaults to. Posting in larger lettering won't get you noticed faster. But in answer to your question some advice would be to take a look around the forums :) There are a few different versions of...
  15. purpurn

    last person to post wins :]

  16. purpurn

    Stories of online buying

    Just so you know - Hong Kong is like it's own state of sorts if I remember correctly. So what that means is that they don't have to comply with the same standards for certain items as say the rest of China. I don't remember exactly where or when I read that (researching Tamas and Tama like...
  17. purpurn

    Ghosts. (O_O)

    Hahahahaha - it's okay - I mean some spirits are okay to have around like relatives and friendly guiding ones. But ground rules should be set. I don't know if I truly believe in Angels, but I totally believe in Demons and darker beings. The shadow man was actually just a shadow man - not really...
  18. purpurn

    Ghosts. (O_O)

    There is a whole other side to spirit where people actually have had uhm..... relations with spirits or been seduced by them. I don't know exactly how old you are, but there is probably information about it online. - it's probably not good to look for if your younger though <_< I've had...
  19. purpurn

    Stories of online buying

    Open a ticket with ebay and explain to them that they are holding you by the balls - pardon the phrase, but they are actually threatening you by saying that they will only give you $7 back for it if you return it. They still have to be held to ebays standards. Explain that the item is a knock...
  20. purpurn

    Just ordered a new Tamagotchi Nano from Jason's Store

    I've ordered quite a few tama items from Jason. I live in the western central US and usually items get to me in about a week to 2 weeks which I think is fine considering he is shipping from Japan. The thing about shipping though is that unfortunately as a seller you don't control the post and...