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  1. purpurn

    Battery dying, JUST got my Tamagotchi..

    If this is a connection version tamagotchi that you are talking about I've heard that it's sometimes a common issue for the batteries to just die in them. I guess some versions just literally suck the life out of the battery in a matter of a few hours. -Purn
  2. purpurn

    Star wars series

    I've heard the Rancor is really funny since you give him young ladies to eat as a treat or something like that - I've seen the animation for it and it's really pretty funny LOL -Purn
  3. purpurn

    November's Election & Your Thoughts

    I can understand it's hard to find a job - I have spent 3 years looking for a job that I won't be spending more to get to than I will be making.... The truth is that Obama has tried to help - he has met a lot of resistance from congress and senate - so it's not really his fault, it's the other...
  4. purpurn

    Japanese Tama's?

    I've been working on trying to learn some japanese so the idL in japanese is fine for me. Honestly though, if you can remember what most of the options are it's pretty easy to follow. Plus there are so many things to work on unlocking in the idL that it hasn't really gotten boring for me yet...
  5. purpurn

    November's Election & Your Thoughts

    Honestly - Obama has tried to fix things. Mitt Romney is completely delusional as to what "average" Americans are doing to try and survive. Obama may have some weird ideas and policy plans, but at least he seems to be in touch with the reality of the situation.A lot of people give him crap for...
  6. purpurn

    Did my ocean die?

    Yep that is "Denchi" so it's telling you that the battery needs to be replaced. It will unfortunately wipe him out. The Ocean is an older model of tama and doesn't have the reset or download function of the newer ones... :< I know it's a bummer when it happens. It looks like it might be a...
  7. purpurn

    Did my ocean die?

    Are you sure? It might actually want new batteries...? We had an ocean hatch a long time ago and someone else had something similar happen to hers If it's just the two characters on the screen it is asking for new...
  8. purpurn

    Best Gift Ever?

    well at least you know he would be good with kids XD LOL I've never gotten that character, but really that's amazing and devoted! I try to get my hubby to play a tama occasionally, but he never takes them with him anywhere :< He makes me take care of them when he's at work, even at a part...
  9. purpurn

    November's Election & Your Thoughts

    Yea.... usually politics is generally not what is best, but what is the lesser evil.... Honestly though - I'm more worried about having the same congress and senate reps.... Really those are the ones that have done the country no good at all. The president does very little in the way of really...
  10. purpurn

    November's Election & Your Thoughts

    I agree with both of you, however I hope this thread doesn't get too cut throat LOL XD Also - I would LOVE to be part of Romney's "middle class" with an annual family income of $200,000...... O_O; -Purn
  11. purpurn

    Tamagotchi School Stories

    LOL i remember when virtual pets first came out in 1997. I think I was like 4th grade or so. Anyway, everyone had one and it drove all the teachers completely BONKERS LOL most teachers made a rule that you couldn't have them in class at all - some school banned them. Some teachers if they saw...
  12. purpurn


    In most of my school year things weren't too bad. I lived in a small rural town and usually if you didn't give the teachers crap then they would have your back on most things. I actually found that when I went to college that some of the teachers were purely there to grab a paycheck and were not...
  13. purpurn

    How to accesorise a Tamagotchi!

    I am thinking of making covers for mine - I knit and actually my icon is one of the characters I've knit in the past. I'm thinking of starting to knit a few different things for my tamas, but I've been busy making baby stuff for my new niece who will be coming in October. Some people use clay to...
  14. purpurn

    P1 (Japanese version) or Tamagotchi Mini?

    The japanese chibi versions were created to mimic the look of the originals - i know it's hard to tell from the pics, but the chibis are a bit more ~cube... like.... if that makes sense... They have flatters sides and bottoms. Also if you look at the pic of the chibi the pixels seem HUGE...
  15. purpurn

    What kind of batteries does this take?

    When I buy batteries I get like Energizer or Duracell - it doesn't say LR44 on the front, but it will say it on the back of the package in small print. They are small fat batteries so I just find the ones that look about the size and check the back to make sure they say they will fit LR44 :)...
  16. purpurn

    Whats the last thing you ate?

    Chicken Vindaloo with rice mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!! I love Indian food!!!! <3<3<3 -Purn
  17. purpurn

    What is this toy..?

    Hiya! Those were just a Tamagotchi Candy toy - They came out as a promo for Angelgotchis. The "toy" was actually just made to look like an Angelgotchi and hold (what I assume anyway) were pez-like candies. In the Angelgotchi Tama you give your Tama candies and I think that's where the idea came...
  18. purpurn

    Should I worry about battery corrosion on my V6?

    Hey there, Just so you know most batteries that are packaged with toys like these are just "test" batteries and are not meant to run for a long period of time. The batteries will more than likely be fine - the Tamagotchi is not that old a release, but certain things like heat or cold can wreak...
  19. purpurn

    Guys, I need some help.

    Isn't this one of the types of tamagotchi that if you take the batteries out and place them back in again later it lets you download your previous character you were playing? I mean, if you are keeping it paused anyway, why not save the battery life? I'm not telling you to give them up...
  20. purpurn

    Broken Dinkie Dino re-sale, beware!

    Admittedly, I haven't had great luck with Dinkie type pets and even though I want to play them I don't buy them anymore XD They tend to get broken or are already broken. -Purn