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  1. ~Monchi~

    Could it be!?!?

    Alright, nevermind. I love Tams. And I really really really hope for XMas I get a black one!!
  2. ~Monchi~

    v4.5 Tamagotchi Log

    I figured out that Tamatchi will grow into Mametchi is cared for properly! I had him in my v3 for like, 3 Generations in a row so I bet I can do it! YAY!
  3. ~Monchi~

    Tamagotchi Color: Hot or Not?

    I will be asking my parent for one on XMas. They're so expensive tho... :P
  4. ~Monchi~


    Heehee...Oh, you're suposed to copy my post.
  5. ~Monchi~


    Ahklakmanac. Err, what?
  6. ~Monchi~

    The Button Room!

    You get kicked in the head with a soccer ball! Press the Button button
  7. ~Monchi~

    Can you?

    No! :o Ahaha! Just kiddin', yes! Can you ated a Tama?
  8. ~Monchi~

    The Banning Game

    I ban you 'cuz you are offline. :o '
  9. ~Monchi~

    Eggles Adoption Center

    Eggles start as round circular eggs like mine is. I will keep track of them, and they will hatch and grow, sort of like a Tamagotchi! (*.) My Eggle's Stats: Hatch Due Date: 8/10/09 Shaking? Yes/No Girl or Boy? Unknown Enjoy! Availiable Eggles: ($$) Eggle1 (~.) Eggle2 (++) Eggle3...
  10. ~Monchi~

    v4.5 Tamagotchi Log

    :o Hi again! Muffn seems to be enjoying himself. I will do a status report. Hungry: **** Happy: **** Training: | Smilies: 19 Stars: 42 Fists: 34 4,610 Points. I am going to buy something for him for his birthday tomorrow! I'm going to buy a hamburger and some bananas, and tomorrow I...
  11. ~Monchi~

    v4.5 Tamagotchi Log

    Muffn keeps getting blackmailed! So far he has gotten: Poo: 2 Snake: 1 Heart: 0 King: 0 Robber: 1
  12. ~Monchi~

    My Wolf Adoption Center!

    Someone has Scree? I love winged animals... awww... I don't know who to take, I'll come back though
  13. ~Monchi~

    Time Distortion

    Oh, haha yeah, sorry. From Japanese...Aha, nevermind then... How old is it? My normal v1 died. It got glitchy and stuff, so maybe thats what happened?
  14. ~Monchi~

    my v4 is pushing its buttons its self

    Try taking the battery out, and put a new one in. Or, if that doesn't work, GENTLY poke a pencil on the little purple button in the back, and choose download. STILL doesn't work? You probably were pressing the buttons too hard, so maybe send it to Bandai?
  15. ~Monchi~

    Making a Bed

    Please tell me how you like this. It is also on my log. What you need: An empty foam egg carton Scissors A Cotton Ball A Tamagotchi* Open the carton, and find one of the little slots on the end nearest the flap. Cut that out, but try to cut around it. Cut off any sharp pieces and make them...
  16. ~Monchi~

    Time Distortion

    Hmmm... Colors seems to have many time probs. I don't remember who, but somebody said their time froze on a color. Maybe Colors just age faster? I heard something about having to plant a tree to grow?
  17. ~Monchi~

    v4.5 Tamagotchi Log

    Allright, to be more specific on his color, he has A blue shell with green continents. A yellow start antenae. Yellow Buttons. But anyway, I also made him a bed! (Yes, I give a lot of effort) How to make an Eggshell Bed: YOU NEED: An Empty Foam Egg Carton A Cotton Ball Scissors A Tama...
  18. ~Monchi~

    v4.5 Tamagotchi Log

    He is 21 lbs! Yay! I have to eat lunch now, but by the way my Tama's color is the Limited Edition Globe or whatever. I got it from the Tama PC Pack. See you later~
  19. ~Monchi~


    Hmmm.... v2's are several years old, so I'd say it's either broken or its a glitch. I had a v2 but my sister spilled milk on it. >:[ So, anyway. I don't know. Just wait.
  20. ~Monchi~


    Yes there has been numerous topics on this. It's just a glitch. I really don't know what to tell you.