He's taking his nap now, meaning he'll elvolve soon....
Other than that I'm trying hard to get Mametchi.
Can anyone PM me tellin me whether or not p1s can have babies?
EDIT: No, I know they can't now. xD Thanks!
WOAH! He hatched! Also, this is my first P1 so it may seem werd I'm all excited. Teehee.
Its a bit slow and the buttons need to be firmly pressed.... but this is so fun!
Even thoughyou can't name them, his name will be Chaii
:o Hi. *chrip chirp*
Yes, finally I got LR44 batteries.... YAY! And my blue P1 is now an egg....
So yup.... :angry: HATCH NOW.
A few things you should know 'bout me.
Call me Monchi. My first tam was when I was really young. I got a V1. It had cute hearts on it. I loved it. My first...
Well, I got a working P1, extremely good condition, no wear or scratches from a Tag Sale.... Thats not so.... "rare" though....
I also used to have some Digimon thing....
And a V1.... but its ot really rare. I want an Angelgotchi.
The Chibis are supposed to be more like a keychain pet, right? Yeah, I have a vintage Tama, its smaller than connections.... So I wouldn't be surprised haha! :unsure:
:unsure: Man, I was gone for a while....
like, a year or two... But I got back into Tamagotchis! And I'm gonna start a log when I get LR44 batteries~!
You probably didn't miss meh much... what I miss?
That means I won't be on for a while. I have other things to do. I will be back by next month, maybe later or maybe sooner.
That means I won't play Tamagotchi or read any of your logs 'till then.
150 views yay!
Anyway, I haven't been on in a while. I'm SUPER DUPER busy, and...Yeah. Ceek got tons of neglect yesterday. Sorry Ceeky! I put him on pause until I have time, so bye!
Ceek: Meanie.
Me: Sorry...
Yeah, those are the Tamagotchi + Color Hexagonitchi. They are suposed to be like a Gameshow Tama, I guess. They look pretty cool, but are probably easier if you know Japanese because they probably ask you a LOT of Questions. Haha.
I was never interested in v6 Music Stars, but I HAVE played with my sister's a bit.
Just take super good care of it, never leave it for over an hour without pausing or feeding it...
You'll get a good character. Trust me. I've gotten Mametchi's on v3s, and all I did was care for it well.
Hmm. Not a Tama. I had some kind of pet like that, a VERY old version of Giga Pets, they were red. And they died if you left them for like, 3 secs!!! I got mine to evolve ONCE!
It's probably a type of Giga Pet. Or maybe a Wave UFO? Hmm.... I don't know. What do you mean by "50 in 1 pets?"