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  1. M

    Best Friends

    the only person i know is rosy18. lots of other peoples are nice to me though. :lol: :lol: B) B) :wub: ^_^ :hitodetchi:
  2. M

    Couple Questions.

    k, i have the answers to both questions: 1. It'll take about 24-30 hours before your tama turns into a teenager 2. It was just an example on the instruction sheet. Hope I helped!! :D :D :D :D
  3. M

    Scheduled TamaTalk Chat Day

    yea whenever i log in it says " Incorrect username or password" so i thought i had forgotten my password so i changed it and now it still says " Incorrect username or password." I don't know what to do. :D :D :D :D
  4. M

    does your mum think tamagotchis r stupid?

    My stepmom thinks their stupid but my mom wants one. My stepmom says their a waste of time. :wacko: :ph34r: But i think i'm gettin another one for easter!!!!!!!!!!! :furawatchi: <_< B) :lol: :)
  5. M

    TV in a shop?!

    Yea I bought a T.V. My tama looks like this :furawatchi: i got it for 2500 points and it wasn't on sale. It totally rocks!!!!!! :furawatchi:
  6. M

    My friend's Tama died

    Tamagotchi's Name: Lizy Tamagotchi's Age: 1 Date of Birth: March 19, 2006, i think Date of Passing: March 22 What Generation? 1 Your Comments: My friend Tekle was so upset when her Tamagtchi died. She was bummed out the whole day. I'm sure she misses it. :furawatchi: :furawatchi: