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  1. F

    Fun Muisc Quiz Thingy!

    What do you like in a guy/girl?: Be Good To Me How do you feel today?: Last Night What is your life's purpose?: You Should Have Lied What Do your friends think of you?: Number One What Do you think of your parents?: Friday Night What is your motto?: Who's David? What do you think...
  2. F


    I have some black ones with rainbow love hearts on them. (: They make me happy.
  3. F

    Fun Muisc Quiz Thingy!

    What do you like in a guy/girl?: Outside Of You How do you feel today?: Not Your Enemy What is your life's purpose?: It Sucks What Do your friends think of you?: Untouched What Do you think of your parents?: Thunderbirds Are Go What is your motto?: Happy What do you think about very...
  4. F

    Friday the 13th.

    I believe that Friday the 13th is unlucky. Here is a list of unlucky things that happened to me on Friday the 13th: Poked myself in the eye with a mascara brush Rolled my ankle when I got out of the car School picture day When we were playing dodgeball I got hit with the ball and somehow...
  5. F

    who is your favorite celeb

    Taylor Swift =]
  6. F

    Soundtrack Of My Life.

    Opening Credits: I Don't Really Like You by Skye Sweetnam (Geez. Thanks.) Waking Up: Until You're Mine by Demi Lovato First Day At School: I Hate Myself For Losing You by Kelly Clarkson Falling In Love: What If? by Simple Plan (I <3 this song so much!!) Fight Song: When It All Falls Apart...
  7. F

    Country Music

    Taylor Swift is my favourite singer. (:
  8. F

    What are you listening to now?

    ^^ I <3 that song. t.A.T.u are awesome! Fearless by Taylor Swift
  9. F

    Fun Muisc Quiz Thingy!

    What do you like in a guy/girl?: With Love How do you feel today?: Breathe What is your life's purpose?: Tied Together With A Smile What Do your friends think of you?: The Analyst What Do you think of your parents?: Play With Fire What is your motto?: Not Your Enemy What do you think...
  10. F

    What are you listening to now?

    Underdog by The Jonas Brothers
  11. F

    small room makeover

    Ceiling to floor length mirrors make a room look bigger as does a light colour paint eg: White, cream, pale yellow, baby blue, pink, mint etc.. Get rid of old things!
  12. F


    I actually think it's kind of cute that he wants you so bad. (:
  13. F

    Soundtrack Of My Life.

    Opening Credits: Mixed Up by Corbin Bleu Waking Up: Say OK by Vanessa Hudgens (Things will be OK!) First Day At School: Home Is Where The Heart Is by McFly (So school's not so great?) Falling In Love: Stop by Corbin Bleu (Stop? Lovely.) Fight Song: Blush by Aly And AJ Breaking Up: Kiss A...
  14. F

    What song is stuck in your head at the moment?

    Lucky You by Taylor Swift
  15. F

    What's something you learned today?

    I learnt the names of everyone in my English class.
  16. F

    Soundtrack Of My Life.

    Opening Credits: Something More by Aly And AJ (Something more out of life maybe?) Waking Up: Mixed Up by Corbin Bleu First Day At School: When There Was Me And You by Vanessa Hudgens [HSM] (That's a sad start.) Falling In Love: He Wasn't by Avril (First love can be dodgy.) Fight Song: Behind...
  17. F

    Innocent or Guilty?

    Yes. I'm guilty. *Puts on handcuffs and locks self in jail cell.* Is the person below me guilty of knowing what colour my eyes are?
  18. F

    If you could change your username

    I'd change mine to Love::Story (:
  19. F

    Soundtrack Of My Life.

    Opening Credits: Told You So by Jesse McCartney Waking Up: All I Have by The Veronicas (Yeah, it took all I had not to go back to sleep again.) First Day At School: Ultra by Skye Sweetnam ('Cause boys and girls really are different.) Falling In Love: I Don't Care by Skye Sweetnam (What a...
  20. F

    Banner Ads

    I have an advert for MateOne - Intimate Dating Site. Eew.