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  1. haleyhashats

    The Kingdom

    Cinder giggled inside her head, she knew that the female was nervous. She could practically smell it coming off of her in waves. Her actions, the way she stood by him, how she pulled her dress down. Cinder wanted to flutter down and rest on her shoulder, help the girl out, but that would reveal...
  2. haleyhashats

    THE P A C K *

    Kai nodded, accepted their names. He watched them eat slowly, he could tell they were both equally fighting the urge to devour everything in sight. He respected their control. "My name is Kai," he responded, watching them slowly finish off their portions, "Alpha." He added slowly, but with...
  3. haleyhashats

    The Kingdom

    Cinder fluttered about, she had turned herself into a butterfly and was flying among the trees. It was only when she noticed two odd looking people did she flutter closer to the ground. She flew closer to the ground, her blue and black wings bringing her closer to the duo. She rested upon a...
  4. haleyhashats

    THE P A C K *

    Kai nodded. "Of course, please, follow me." He said, turning briskly to walk over to the pile of prey he had dragged out earlier. Luckily not all of the prey was gone and there were still some small animals to pick at. He nudged the food towards them. "Eat." He said quietly, glancing at the...
  5. haleyhashats

    The Kingdom

    Name: Cinder Marie Torelli Age: Nineteen Gender: Female Species: Shape Shifter Appearance: Cinder has a very fair, pale skin tone, and yet she has dark brown eyes to knock everything off. She's very small, standing at about four-nine, not even five foot. She has dirty blonde hair, with dark...
  6. haleyhashats

    THE P A C K *

    Kai took in everything the female had to say, an Alpha, 'ey? He noticed her stance and the air she carried around her, he easily could confirm her previous position as an Alpha. Confident, respectful, and she knew to keep her stance slightly submissive, while still being able to stand her...
  7. haleyhashats

    The Girls Life Quiz

    1. How old are you? Thirteen. 2. Have you ever been on a blind date? Nope. 3. Have you ever been on a date at all? Not exactly. 4. What grade are you in? Eighth (8th). Moving to ninth soon. (: 5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? Family Unity. 6. Do you have any pets...
  8. haleyhashats

    What was the last book you bought?

    Last Bought: 1984 by George Orwell (planning to read this soon! :D excited, haha /lame) Last Read: Matched by Ally Condie
  9. haleyhashats

    What Are You Playing Now?

    This game called "Wrong" on the iPad. Grisly Manor, or something. Sims 3. (:
  10. haleyhashats

    The ^ > V game

    ^ Naaaahhh. < Is sick. -_- V Listens to The Fray, The Script, Maroon 5, etc? :D
  11. haleyhashats

    The vending machine!

    Out comes a pacifier ! ... wait, what? Inserts a red twisty straw :D
  12. haleyhashats

    First Word That Comes to Mind

    Pikachu !
  13. haleyhashats

    THE P A C K *

    Kai's muscles tensed as he watched the two wolves emerge from the thick shrubbery. He stood a bit taller, holding his head higher. Approaching them, his eyes showing no emotion, he looked them over in the time frame of maybe a second. He took in their scents, their looks, and how they carried...
  14. haleyhashats

    THE P A C K *

    Kai watched as the wolves dispersed, either to go sleep or hunt. Turning around, he went back to his spot before, where an odd scent wrapped itself around his nose. He grunted, sniffing the air. Unfamiliar wolves, circling his spot, he looked around for the wolves. They didn't smell of the other...
  15. haleyhashats

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    @Eternal Mametchi Fan - yeah, it really is an all around type of show. It's super cute, too. (: The first few episodes weren't the greatest for me, but as it moved along you just can't stop watching all the cute little ponies! (: I was able to get my friends hooked on the show ^_^ haha xD
  16. haleyhashats

    Rate The Siggy above!

    10/10 (:
  17. haleyhashats

    Tamagotchi vs. Pokemon

    I don't think TamaMum was trying to upset you. She was just trying to help you sort everything out. The :P is used to express playfulness / not seriousness. That's how I use it, anyways. Oh and alright. Personal opinions differ though! (: So you shouldn't get mad at someone just because they...
  18. haleyhashats


    Dear Sean, Just friends. Though I want more... I want you to be happy. So if that's what it takes... Then that's what's going to happen. - Haley ---------------------------------- Dear Natalie and Chelsea, <3 :) Where would I be without you guys? Thank you so much for everything...
  19. haleyhashats

    What is The Avvie Above You Saying?

    TAMATAMATAMATAMA. When does it end?
  20. haleyhashats

    THE P A C K *

    Snazzy & Runner - Accepted! (: Kai felt his muscles tense as Starberry came to lie beside him. He watched her get up and leave, hopefully nothing was noticed. Standing, he turned and counted heads, everyone seemed to be present, whether it was int he den or scattered somewhere else near in...