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  1. haleyhashats

    THE P A C K *

    Kai continued moving silently in the direction of the wolf who was howling, desperately trying to find them. Their howls, so emotional and deep, cutting through his howls, which were empty and lone, like sharp knives. He stopped, leaning forward as he howled again; slow and quiet. There was no...
  2. haleyhashats

    THE P A C K *

    double post. i'm editing the post above to fit some Kai in there. :DD
  3. haleyhashats

    THE P A C K *

    Myra nodded. "Okay, let's get you back then." She said, grabbing Moon by the scruff of his neck. She mumbled a few words, though her speech was muffled by his fur, "Grab the deer." As soon as they were set, Myra dragged Moon along, who had been dragging the deer. In all honesty, it was almost...
  4. haleyhashats

    THE P A C K *

    {{ OKAY. So I'm introducing a new wolf. Her name is Myra. She's a wolf. Anyways, I'm too lazy busy to do her form right now, so I'm just going to drop her into the roleplay. You all will figure her out eventually. ololol }} Myra walked silently among the clear forest floor, the pads on her paws...
  5. haleyhashats

    Pokemon Adventure

    {{ I know. I'm boss. I'm not starting. I have to introduce a new wolf. olololol }}
  6. haleyhashats

    Pokemon Adventure

    GAH. GIRL MADE ALREADY. oh well. i'll make a girl. and a guy. because i'm boss. like that. yo. oh and jared. i don't think i'll be able to deal with you making up words. not cool, man. not cool. Name: ​Cinder Marie Torelli Age: Fifteen Gender: Female Looks: Cinder has a very fair, pale skin...
  7. haleyhashats

    THE P A C K *

    Kai heard Starberry and glanced over at her, when did she get here? He wondered. His mind was too clouded with all of the day's events, so many newcomers, a shortage of food. These next few days, weeks, or even months, were going to be interesting. He glanced back at RipJaw, and then looked at...
  8. haleyhashats

    Pokemon Adventure OOC

    Kanto ? Okay.
  9. haleyhashats

    THE P A C K *

    {{ Kai isn't in the den, he's talking with RipJaw. ololol Jared's a ninja. lolwhut. }} Kai looked at RipJaw with a slightly uncomfortable smile, but still he stayed with her. He wasn't exactly used to having she-wolves throw themselves about him, but being the egotistical being he is, he...
  10. haleyhashats

    Pokemon Adventure OOC

    WHAT REGION MAN. i need to know. and no, i'm not deciding for myself. i'm really bad at making decisions. olololol |'DD
  11. haleyhashats

    Leap Year 2012 Feb 29 Hatch!

    I only had that one tama and now I can't seem to find it *anywhere*! I'm so upset. D: Very sorry >_<
  12. haleyhashats

    Pokemon Adventure OOC

    dude. this is great. i'll be joining. when i decide to stop being so lazy. |'D
  13. haleyhashats

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    7/10 Cute (:
  14. haleyhashats

    Rate The Siggy above!

    0/10 No signature.
  15. haleyhashats

    THE P A C K *

    Kai gave Chenoa a relaxed bark. He smiled at her, "Thank you, and I do not worry that you will cause us troubles, you seem to be true to your word. And yes, please, go rest." He replied, his muzzle pointing in the direction of the pack's shared den. "You are free to sleep in our den, if you...
  16. haleyhashats

    The Hunger Gamesss

    To be honest, I love the books, but I absolutely hated all of the characters. They were all unoriginal, and overdone. Sure, the concept behind the book was something new and refreshing, but the characters were all so drab. Maybe had they been fitted with a few imperfections or something, I...
  17. haleyhashats

    Leap Year 2012 Feb 29 Hatch!

    I'm not able to find my tama-go, so I'm going to have to drop out. :C Makes me sad too, because I really wanted to participate! But I can't find my tama, so yeah. :C Sorry ><
  18. haleyhashats

    THE P A C K *

    Kai nodded as RipJaw introduced herself, she was a lean wolf. He got overwhelmed when many other wolves approached him, apparently, everyone had something to say right now. Kai noticed the worry in Starberry's eyes, and how the tone of her voice wavered now and then. He looked at this lone...
  19. haleyhashats

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    9/10 At first I was like, "ololol, funny." but then I clicked your signature link and I said, "OMG. THERE'S AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE TOO." So... yeah.
  20. haleyhashats

    If you could have 1 super power, what would it be?

    omgman. i love that game. I would have to say either time travel or reading minds. I say time travel because I would be able to fix all the wrongs I made, all those bad choices, plus - I would ace all of my tests. xD But I say mind reading because I want to know the truth, even if it hurts. I'd...