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  1. haleyhashats

    ♫ PⓞP ⓜu5♩c ©1uв ♫

    Cinder had arrived at school early in an attempt to get some one on one tutoring from her math teacher. If she got a D for the semester she might have to repeat the class, seeing as how she had a D last semester as her final grade. However, now seated behind the piano she was carefully playing...
  2. haleyhashats

    ♫ PⓞP ⓜu5♩c ©1uв ♫

    I'll make a boy later. c: Name: Cinder Marie Torelli Age: Fifteen Gender: Female Personality: Cinder believes in what others don't. She's that little girl who believed all those fantasy spun stories about fairies and magic, stories told to the young children to lift their spirits. She's very...
  3. haleyhashats

    Pokemon Adventure

    Cinder watched in horror as Pidgeot was hit with the attack and plummeted to the ground. The bird stayed still, the only movement was the slow ups and downs from its chest due to its breathing. Cinder returned Pidgeot to his pokeball and sifted through the rest of her pokemon, a grim look on her...
  4. haleyhashats

    Pokemon Adventure

    I guess something should happen with Andrew. As Andrew was walking, he tripped, falling down and giving a short groan before getting back up to his feet. He heard the surrounding trainers snicker, but by glancing at them they all readily stopped their snickering. He dusted off his pants and...
  5. haleyhashats

    Pokemon Adventure

    You're so rebellious. ._. How do you live with yourself? Cinder gave a chuckle, she instructed her Pidgeot to use FeatherDance again, causing Gible's Sword's Dance to just become well, useless. She knew the bide was going to attack in the next turn so she braced both herself and Pidgeot...
  6. haleyhashats

    THE P A C K *

    Kai took a step back, watching in complete admiration as Chloe was able to skillfully stitch the wound together. As she pulled away he looked up at her with a smile, his own tail giving a light wag. "That was amazing," he said, watching as Chloe introduced herself. He glanced over to Fang, who...
  7. haleyhashats

    Wolf Pack / Warrior Cats

    OHMYGOSH. SNAZZY. I was on FooPets too for my first step into roleplay CCC; I guess I did literate roleplaying though, because the script format there always made me recoil. >_> There were some pretty good literate RP's over on FP, which is where I 'learned'. ololol /likeiknowanything...
  8. haleyhashats

    Pokemon Adventure

    Cinder widened her eyes and took a step forward before shouting out her commands, "Pidgeot! Try and dodge the takedown, then use FeatherDance again!" Pidgeot swooped forward, but was hit in the side, receiving some damage. Cinder grunted, at least it wasn't full damage. Pidgeot used FeatherDance...
  9. haleyhashats

    Pokemon Adventure

    Cinder growled, bide eh? She gave a step back, Cinder had been training long enough to realize that the more damage she dealt would be the downfall of her Pidgeot - even though she was tempted to Wing Attack him now. Instead she reached in her pack, grabbing a berry and tossing it into the...
  10. haleyhashats

    Pokemon Adventure

    Pidgeot recoiled, his eyes covered in the grains of sand, screeching he flew up, being hit with Gible's move, he felt his health declining - but not by too much, yet he still felt the hit. Cinder growled, "Pidgeot! Use FeatherDance and then attack with Wing Attack!" Cinder shouted, watching as...
  11. haleyhashats

    THE P A C K *

    Myra shrugged, "Good thing you're not being too prideful now then, you probably would've killed yourself." She said, sitting back down, exhaling slowly. She laughed, "And yes, big time. Though I can't think of anything you'll need to owe me for." {{ OH GOD. IT'S CINDER AND CADE IN WOLF FORM...
  12. haleyhashats

    Pokemon Adventure

    Cinder watched him release Gible, and she thought for a second. Vulpix and Ponyta wouldn't do good here - even though she badly wanted to give them some practice - seeing as how Gible was a dragon/ground type. Fire wouldn't work well at all against him. She decided to use Pidgeot, who was her...
  13. haleyhashats

    THE P A C K *

    Kai nodded, stepping up beside Fang to help press down the bark and leaves with his paws. Listening to Chloe's orders, he looked at Fang before speaking, "I'll move to the other side to help push his wound together." He slowly pulled his paws back, allowing Fang to re-position his own paws to...
  14. haleyhashats

    Pokemon Adventure

    {{ Bein' boss. }} Cinder groaned. But her frown turned into a smirk quickly enough, she wasn't one to turn down a fight. "Fine, let's go." She said, skipping a few steps back to give their pokemon enough room to battle. She reached into her backpack, grabbing her pokeball case. Which one to...
  15. haleyhashats

    Pokemon Adventure

    Cinder rolled her eyes, watching as the male rose to his feet. He seemed about her age. "Well, I bet I'm more experienced." She said, her voice even and cool. She watched him toss up a pokeball, which caused her to raise an eyebrow. Was he challenging her? She smirked and watched as he...
  16. haleyhashats

    Pokemon Adventure

    Cinder continued her walk, her backpack feeling heavier by the second, she was looking at the ground - so she wasn't paying much attention to anything. Suddenly, she was pushed back and heard someone else hit the ground, she looked up from the ground startled, and then angry. "Watch where you're...
  17. haleyhashats

    THE P A C K *

    Kai followed after Chenoa, carrying more of the same herbs. Dropping them next to her, he watched as she took control of the situation and so he stood back, his muscles tense, watching for any potential danger that could approach. Chloe and Fang soon trotted up, he looked at Chloe, watching her...
  18. haleyhashats

    Pokemon Adventure OOC

    You might as well be a she. |'DDDD ololololol /bffs battle. o_o
  19. haleyhashats

    THE P A C K *

    Kai was frantic, his heartbeat growing quicker. Genezen... the name is sounded familiar. Neo-gen. He knew the wolf. The leader of the rival pack, hearing the name caused a growl to spark and he had to stop himself from baring his teeth. Kai looked at NightPulse and gave him a sympathetic bark...
  20. haleyhashats

    Pokemon Adventure

    {{ HAPPY :DD }} Cinder sat on her bed, her Vulpix and Pidgeot roaming about her room happily. The others stayed in their pokeballs, quiet and serene. Eventually, the program she was watching on her television ended and she stood from her bed, putting Pidgeot and Vulpix back into their...