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  1. haleyhashats

    The 100th Hunger Games

    Name: Cinder Marie Torelli Age: Fifteen Gender: Female District: Twelve Personality: Cinder believes in what others don't. She's that little girl who believed all those fantasy spun stories about fairies and magic, stories told to the young children to lift their spirits. She's...
  2. haleyhashats

    KuchiKisses ♥

    ⓕⓞⓤⓡ COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS: no comments/questions for this installment Hey guys! So I forgot to add a part two, and I'm really sorry! I totally forgot. Anyways, here are the pictures of Marotchi and her husband KuroMametchi (lucky catch! haha). They had a baby two days ago, but because I have...
  3. haleyhashats

    The 100th Hunger Games Role Play Form and OOC Discussion

    Name: Cinder Marie Torelli Age: Fifteen Gender: Female District: Twelve Personality: Cinder believes in what others don't. She's that little girl who believed all those fantasy spun stories about fairies and magic, stories told to the young children to lift their spirits. She's...
  4. haleyhashats

    TamaTalkers you want to meet In Real Life

    Chelsey Alex Runner Jared Tamalover and a few others. I wouldn't mind meeting you all actually. ^_^
  5. haleyhashats

    The 100th Hunger Games

    {{ Oh, I love Hunger Games RP's. Is it too late to join? I'd probably be able to get all the information that's already been RP'd still (i.e. the reaping, the train ride, etc). (: }}
  6. haleyhashats

    KuchiKisses ♥

    ⓣⓗⓡⓔⓔ COMMENTS / QUESTIONS / FEEDBACK: no new So, hey there guys! This is going to be 'part one' for today, because we all don't like the posts without pictures no? Anyways, right now, Marotchi is still sleeping. She is six years old, only, because I had to pause her all day yesterday while I...
  7. haleyhashats

    KuchiKisses ♥

    ⓣⓦⓞ FEEDBACK: no new feedback QUESTIONS: no new questions for this installment Hey guys! No pictures in this installment, I'm just too lazy to take some. xD Plus, nothing really has changed seeing as how we already have Marotchi, which is the adult stage. Anyways, wake up time is unknown...
  8. haleyhashats

    KuchiKisses ♥

    ⓞⓝⓔ FEEDBACK: no new feedback QUESTIONS: no questions for this installment Hello! So, this is the first installment of KuchiKisses! Alright, so, seeing as how I have already started my Tama-Go, we're just going to jump right in and enjoy what's happening already. Alright, so on my Tama-Go, I...
  9. haleyhashats

    KuchiKisses ♥

    ⓚⓤⓒⓗⓘⓚⓘⓢⓢⓔⓢ Hey guys! So this is going to be my new log for whatever Tama's I happen to get. This log will have pictures, however, they'll be taken with an iPad - so I can't guarantee high quality photos. Anyways, I thoroughly hope that you enjoy the log. If you have any questions...
  10. haleyhashats

    Tama-Go Growth Chart

    Oh alright, that explains it. Thank you (:
  11. haleyhashats

    Tama-Go Growth Chart

    Wait, so are toddler growths randomly generated? If so, why do the care variables determine good/okay/bad care? I'm just wondering, because I got Chuchutchi with 5/5 happiness and hunger and high friendship. Training was low, however, so would that determine the tamagotchi's species?
  12. haleyhashats

    Few Ideass

    The last two seem interesting... I don't know how the Zelda RP may work out though. Since the games are really just centered around Link's adventures as the main character. But it would be worth a try... perhaps? And the seasick for life just sounds really intriguing, haha.
  13. haleyhashats

    THE P A C K *

    {{ Accepted, FireStar }} Kai helped to fight with RipJaw, scratching at Neo-Gen. When Neo-Gen was pinned down, Kai had no intentions of not attacking. He immediately lunged at his eye, his jaw clamping on Neo-Gen's head. His teeth were covered in a weird substance, but he held on. He wasn't...
  14. haleyhashats

    THE P A C K *

    Myra snapped at Neo-Gen when he entered the den, her fur bristling up as she watched him attempt to attack Kai. She turned to glance at NightPulse and Moon for a quick moment. "You two okay?" She asked, her stance showing defense - her ability and willingness to fight. Kai looked at Neo-Gen...
  15. haleyhashats

    Elite 18 OCC and Forms.

    Can I reserve the Fire type? I'll be sure to join later today if possible! ^_^
  16. haleyhashats

    ♫ PⓞP ⓜu5♩c ©1uв ♫

    Cinder gave a shrug, "I honestly don't mind what we play. But Linkin Park sounds good," she said, looking at the others who were in the room. She bit her lip for a moment, thinking about a Linkin Park song, she only knew a few of them and didn't really know the chords. But, Cinder began humming...
  17. haleyhashats

    THE P A C K *

    Kai gave responses to the conversation however his ears suddenly shot up and he gave a low growl. The smell was so familiar, Neo-Gen. He was about to let out a howl, to call his members back, but then he second guessed the thought - hearing a howl might just make Neo-Gen and his crew travel...
  18. haleyhashats

    Pokemon Adventure

    Vulpix winced at the lick, recoiling back as she was hit with the Shadow Ball. Cinder went through her choices: she could use a paralyze heal, a potion, or try and make Vulpix attacking while hoping for the best. Cinder snatched up Vulpix, giving her a spritz from the potion bottle - refilling...
  19. haleyhashats

    THE P A C K *

    Myra glanced up to look at Starberry, and then to NightPulse, seeing as how everyone else already left. She shrugged, "Oh, him? He's just some random wolf I decided to bring into territory. Don't ask me why," she said, a sarcastic tone in her voice. She gave a light sigh before giving a real...
  20. haleyhashats

    THE P A C K *

    Kai followed after Chenoa, Chloe, and the rest of the group. Once they reached the camp and got him to the den he went to look at Chenoa and Chloe. "Should he rest now?" He asked, glancing back in the den to look at NightPulse. Myra watched Moon struggle and gave him a nudge. "Please, stop."...