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  1. ice mountain

    NES (Nintendo Entertainment System)

    Hi there~ I was just wondering whether anyone still had a working NES. I have two. One needs to be taken apart and dusted, which I should try to get to this weekend...and the other is still in original packaging. :wub: I have several games as well: -Super Mario Brothers 3 -Super Mario...
  2. ice mountain


    Elmo fails at life o.o; I have always hated the fuzzy red dude. He's plain annoying with his voice and dances and songs. They really grind against my nerves. kthxbai.
  3. ice mountain

    -eats hand off-

    I have been homeschooled since Kindergarten-10th grade. I have hated every minute of it, because my mother is a total perfectionist, and if it isn't perfect, it's totally incorrect. I suggest going to public school or a private school. At least there you have an opportunity to make friends and...
  4. ice mountain

    What kind school you are in?

    I am homeschooled. D:< But private high school next year.
  5. ice mountain

    Post your Current Mood

    I feel pretty ticked off. I've had a horrible day. I feel as if I could love someone, a special someone. I feel very musical as of now too.
  6. ice mountain

    How famous are you on forums?

  7. ice mountain

    Hug, Kiss, or Diss?

    Diss. xD erm... Marilyn Manson
  8. ice mountain

    Rate the Siggy above you!

    9/10 n_n
  9. ice mountain

    Karma Game!

    er... orange n...n
  10. ice mountain

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    0/10 ew. poorly drawn anime..
  11. ice mountain

    Rate the Siggy above you!

  12. ice mountain

    How famous are you on forums?

  13. ice mountain

    Hug, Kiss, or Diss?

    Hug n_n George Clooney. XDDD
  14. ice mountain

    Rate the Siggy above you!

    8/10 Nice! :furawatchi:
  15. ice mountain

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    3/10 D:
  16. ice mountain


    Omigosh I hate my deoderant. D:< I use Lady Speed Stick Baby Powder (YICK), and I have a Suave Sweet Pea & Rosemary deoderant that I use. x3
  17. ice mountain

    Too much Violence!

    It's called "Yellow Journalism". Newscasters / Journalists blow things way out of proportion at times. But I'm not saying that violence doesn't exsist in modern-day US. It's human nature to make things out for themselves, and we seem to succeed quite well in the "It's all about ME!" area...
  18. ice mountain

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    5/10 Too bright! :furawatchi:
  19. ice mountain

    Coke or Pepsi?

    Oooo. I usually buy Pepsi becasuse Coke usually tastes too sweet for me ;_; But there is nothing better than a cold coke on a hot day. I voted both :puroperatchi:
  20. ice mountain

    Do you recycle?

    Ugh. I am forced to recycle, by my mum, who is the recycle and "Save the earth!" freak. I recycle my plastics, carboards, and paper, but not usually anything else :D