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  1. ice mountain

    Hair Wraps!

    I got a hair wrap at the boardwalk in new Jersey when my hair was still long ;) It was blue, black, and white, with a mushroom charm at the bottom :)
  2. ice mountain


    I have shoulderblade length, dark blonde, wavy/curly hair. I use Herbal Essences 2-in-1: Hello Hydration, Body Envy, and Dangerously Straight. :] My favorite is Hello Hydration <3
  3. ice mountain

    How old is to old...

    I stopped trick-or-treating when I was 12. But I think I could have squeezed another year out. :)
  4. ice mountain

    What do you think

    I believe that people on here hate my guts ;) x33
  5. ice mountain

    Does anyone else hate the Twilight series?

    I cannot stand the Twilight books. The writing I found to be in a childish manner, and supposedly Edward was attractive. I found Edward to be repulsive, and the last type of male I would want to be with. Opinions plz?
  6. ice mountain

    Preteen Girls!

    One. He was one of the biggest mistakes I've made recently.
  7. ice mountain

    Modern or Old songs

    I love alot of both. Oldies are amazing.. Some new bands also are.. D:
  8. ice mountain


    I like Nirvana quite alot. My favorite songs are: All Apologies Come As You Are Pennyroyal Tea Something In The Way <3 RIP Kurt Cobain
  9. ice mountain

    MCR vs Greenday

    My Chemical Romance ....Although they both suck....
  10. ice mountain

    What color is your birthday?

    I'm a goldie :D
  11. ice mountain

    Do you look up to other members?

    Mothra and TamaMum. (Mostly) :]
  12. ice mountain

    Cervical Cancer!

    My mom wanted me to get a shot for that.. a few years ago.. Although it wouldn't hurt to get it, she's never gotten around to making a doctor's appointment, so meh.
  13. ice mountain


    I personally have never been any of those. Both of my brothers and both sisters have been arrested at least once. Jason went to jail for 2 weeks, after spray-painting a number of churches and schools.
  14. ice mountain


    I also de-frag my computers regularily. Just keep the de-frag in mind if it crashes again. :) It checks how much room you have, and it looks freaky cool when it's happening. Files blowing around everywhere ^ ^
  15. ice mountain

    ~*I need some help *~

    -Walter -Samantha -Gregory -Copernicus -Hesperus -Janine -Chibi :)
  16. ice mountain


    Well, that's exactly why I use Apple computers- they rarely, if ever crash. You can buy really great virus programs for them. My dad's PC has crashed a total of 5 times, and my 1991 iMac has never crashed. :3 I suggest telling your parents. Don't just go to them and be "Umm, mom the computer...
  17. ice mountain

    Back to school idea

    Also.. I've tried finishing all my homework at school. It helps a ton when you want to do something and you aren't weighed down with school. :D
  18. ice mountain

    Back to school idea

    Sounds interesting! I usually leave all my books inside my messenger bag, but If around Christmas break I think I'll do that. :)
  19. ice mountain

    remodeling my room

    One helpful hint: Less is more. My friend re-did her room a while back and now it looks just tacky. She put too many decorations on the walls, and there's too much of one color. Choose colors that compliment eachother, like blue and light green, or other soft combinations. I went with Black...
  20. ice mountain

    Have you ever met a movie star?

    LOL@Chatterbox. xD I've seen that commercial. x3 Okay, back on topic.. I've met John McCain, and shook his hand. He asked me how old I was (It was 1999 so I was 6-7ish), and what my favorite animal was. ^_^ I've also met Mr. Clinton. He was shaking hands of the Marines guarding his jet, and...