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  1. ice mountain

    Does anyone else hate the Twilight series?

    Well, in all honesty, there are alot of fans that DO go around like that. :P I know someone who went and saw the movie 9 times. I think that's a little too obsessed. :\
  2. ice mountain

    Favorite Board Game!

    Mine would be the game of Life. I always loved playing it :P
  3. ice mountain

    The high light && lowlight of your day

    Highlight: When I finished my Stephen King book. Lowlight: When Aunt Gertrude (..............) showed up this afternoon.
  4. ice mountain

    What does your name mean?

    Name: Angela Meaning: You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic “Type A” personality. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very...
  5. ice mountain


    Uh. Why do people even put junk like that on youtube? It'll probably just end up in the youtube poop.. >_>
  6. ice mountain

    Sex before Marriage

    I'm not too particular. If I know that he's the 'right' one, or whatever, and if we've been together for a few years, yeah, I'd probably go ahead and have sex. Otherwise? I have a feeling that I won't have many boyfriends, so I'll probably end up waiting until after marriage, anyways. That...
  7. ice mountain

    True Life

    I hate that show. .-. MTV is epic fail.
  8. ice mountain


    I named my charmander Hellraiser or Charmy. x3 I also had a pikachu at one point named KiKi.
  9. ice mountain

    What are you eating right now?

    Cookies N Cream ice cream. :33
  10. ice mountain


    I usually have anywhere from 2-5 hours of homework each night. Omnibus Primary - Reading, Recitations Omnibus Secondary- Reading, Recitations Logic - Occasional Homework, 3-4 times a week Math - Homework 3-5 times a week Physical Science - Only labs, and that's the night before a test.. NT...
  11. ice mountain

    South Park...

    I hate South Park. It isn't 'adult humor'. There is a difference between adult humor and just stupid. SNL is usually adult humor. South Park is just stupid. There's nothing funny about it, really. I find the humor to be way too crude to be on daytime tv, and for people who let their kids watch...
  12. ice mountain

    James Herriot

    That's what I meant, but in my experience, younger kids don't always know what the medical terms mean, and I made the mistake once of asking my mum what a testicle was. XD {ie, He goes into deep description on how to birth a calf..} :(
  13. ice mountain

    The Buttercream Gang!

    Hai! I'm here to discuss The Buttercream Gang. I recently dug through a box of old movies I've never watched, and found The Buttercream Gang on the bottom of the box. I popped it in, and nearly had to sew my jaw to my mouth to keep it from falling off.. First off, it's about "The...
  14. ice mountain

    So, What's The Worst Book You Ever Read?

    The Summer Of The Sky Blue Bikini. Most retarded book I have ever read. The girl is a total airhead, and cares about nothing but getting a boyfriend.
  15. ice mountain

    What books are you reading now?

    Here we go with my long list! For School: Confessions by Saint Augustine On The Incarnation by Saint Athanasius The Fellowship Of The Ring by J.R.R Tolkien For Pleasure: The Talisman by Stephen King Lady Of Milkweed Manor by Julie Klassen :(
  16. ice mountain

    James Herriot

    James Herriot. Incase you're wondering who this is, James Herriot is a writer who mainly bases his books on his veterinary practice. I wouldn't recommend these books for anyone under 13. (some of his descriptions are a little inappropriate) He has a very unique outlook on daily life and almost...
  17. ice mountain

    Does anyone else hate the Twilight series?

    I'd like to clarify this- I made this topic to discuss the reasons why we do not like the books, not "OMG I LOVE EDWARD CULLEN!!! BEST SERIEZ EVAR~!". Mmk.
  18. ice mountain

    What song can you not get enough of?

    I believe you mean "Viva La Vida" by Coldplay.
  19. ice mountain

    What song can you not get enough of?

    Currently, Chia-Like I Shall Grow - Say Anything On Top - The Killers All These Things That I've Done - The Killers Smile Like You Mean It - The Killers Tetris Remix - 2pm Glass - Incubus A Certain Shade Of Green - Incubus :3
  20. ice mountain

    Metro Station

    I like Metro Station! :o My favorite song is California.