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  1. ice mountain

    Wut was da first song on ur iPod

    I can send you the mp3 via email if you wish. o:
  2. ice mountain

    Which of Miley's Songs is you're favourite?

    Definitely SEE YOO AGAIN X333333 I hate Miley, but alas, I like that song because of it's extreme annoyance level.
  3. ice mountain

    Wut was da first song on ur iPod

    Well on my iTunes list, it shows up as "Dancing Queen - ABBA" which is in my opinion, the worst song ever. On my iPod I think it's "Admit It!" by Say Anything :3
  4. ice mountain

    Tokyo mew mew!

    Ah! I love Tokyo Mew Mew, the books that is. I've never seen the show... I loved how Ichigo was always so adorable and @_@''''''. But by far, Sakura or Lettuce(isn't that her name?) was my favorite character~ even though Ichigo was cute.
  5. ice mountain

    Does anyone else hate the Twilight series?

    I think I'm going to read it again, to formulate an even more hateful opinion. All of my friends are reading it, and they like it, but at least they aren't all obsessive fangirly. :\
  6. ice mountain

    What's the creepiest song on your iPod?

    Probably Something In The Way by Nirvana, Baby Got Back by Sir Mix-A-Lot, or any Marilyn Manson song. :3
  7. ice mountain

    Does anyone else hate the Twilight series?

    I'm alarmed at how many people are voting that I'm a fruitcake. D: I hate the series because romance novels, and not to mention vampire romance novels don't strike a warm fuzzy place in my heart. -.-
  8. ice mountain

    What Can I do?

    I'm not very good at all in relationships.. LOL. I've had a grand total of: Zero, but- I know a thing or two about guys and what makes them comfortable/uncomfortable. Actually, I'm in the midst of my first relationship nao >:3 Anyway, I know that guys really don't care what you talk about...
  9. ice mountain

    Who is better: Snow Miser or Heat Miser?

    Heat Miser O:< His song is way cooler, and he doesn't do that gay dance that the Snow Miser does.
  10. ice mountain


    NOWAI O:< I'm going to buy it once the price drops from 25 to 15. :3
  11. ice mountain

    A book....

    Read The Dark Tower series by Stephen King! :D I have read the LoTR series and CoN series.. personally, I think LoTR is more appropriate for your age, but CoN is really good too :D OBTW: I read the Harry Potter series and it's a load of bullsh*t. I hated it. All of it.. just so.. augh...
  12. ice mountain


    I love popcorn @_@ I'll eat any kind, although I had some spicy popcorn once that was really gross. x_O; I especially like Movie Theatre, Butter Lover's, and Kettlecorn @__@ The stuff with only salt&pepper on it is really good tooz~ I think I'll go make some :3
  13. ice mountain

    The Killers

    I personally love The Killers. They're having a show the 19th of January up here, but I'm not paying 100$ a ticket. D:< Dave Keuning, especially. I just obsess constantly over him.. the hair, the guitars, the hands.. /fangirl moment My favorite album has to be Hot Fuss, followed by Day...
  14. ice mountain

    Young Adult Girls!

    At home I usually don't sleep in a bra. But at friends houses, I usually DO sleep in one, because, uh, they have older brothers, and if you've ever seen a guy's eyes bug out before, it's not a pleasant thing. Also, I don't feel comfortable sleeping in someone's house feeling all "jiggly" LOL
  15. ice mountain

    Young Adult Girls!

    Yes, I wear one.. have been since oh, 5th grade? I started wearing those flimsy little ones that do absolutely nothing for support, but now I've moved into the *DADADADD!!!!* underwire mega militaristic ones that dig into your ribs. :chohimetchi:
  16. ice mountain

    What is death like?

    well, I've only died a total of four times and each time it was a rough landing :chohimetchi:
  17. ice mountain

    Unwanted Attention From Guys/Girls

    As far as I know, I'm receiving no extra attention. And, as far as I know, no male has ever liked me. lol.
  18. ice mountain

    Unwanted Attention From Guys/Girls

    I'm so jealous of you all..
  19. ice mountain

    What color is yer eyes?

    My eyes are green, although I wear contacts, I don't wear colored contacts. I love the color of my eyes, I'm glad it isn't blue or brown ^^
  20. ice mountain

    iPod. . . freezing

    that would be called "resetting" which can be dangerous if your iPod has been frozen for a long time, say a week. I reset mine after it froze and found that my pictures were erased-ola.