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  1. ice mountain

    Games that annoy you?

    Ah, the endless list for me: •Original Zelda- although amazing because it's Zelda, it's impossibly hard to beat. •Any Disney Movie/Show/Actor games- That means you Miley Cyrus, High School Musical, and the Fairly Odd Parents •Nintendogs •Any variation of the original game "Sims" •Runescape...
  2. ice mountain


    Because there's about a 5% chance that she's ever going to meet him. In a few years she'll probably realize how much of a freak he is anyways. Mark my words. Things you loved when you were young often turn into things that you loath when you get older.
  3. ice mountain

    Your cursor

    The normal black arrow one. Custom cursors annoy me to death.
  4. ice mountain


    Lord. Everyone at some point in their life has a celeb crush. ._.' I just faced mine with "Look at it. You're ___ years younger than him, you're never going to meet him, there's 582573985789 other people who love him, just give up." And now, I'm ashamed that I even had a crush on this celebrity...
  5. ice mountain

    Are you annoyed with this?

    This is a pointless topic. I delete every email that's not from people or organizations that I asked specifically to send me stuff.
  6. ice mountain

    What do you get...

    When you talk, pay attention to the bands and things he talks about alot. I know that I would be absolutely thrilled if I received some sort of Queen memorobilia for my birthday :P , I'd want to do the same thing for him.
  7. ice mountain

    Teens in TamaTalk?

    I'm 15 almost 16. :o
  8. ice mountain

    Any Inneresting Legends In Your Town?

    My hometown, Baldwin, Wisconsin, really doesn't have much of a ghost story. Although the town I'm living in now has a house down my street that this one guy's parents both were murdered in it, and the house has been closed with police tape around it for the whole time since they found out that...
  9. ice mountain

    Do you vote in your own polls?

    Sometimes, lol.
  10. ice mountain


    With cramps, which I hate with a passion, I usually try to sit up bending over, or lay down and I take a Ibuprofen. Anyone had the problem when you get your period for two days or so, then it goes away, and the next time within a few days your period just shows up again?
  11. ice mountain

    what is your favorite animal?

    Cats o_o
  12. ice mountain

    What are your political views?

    Hello. I apologize to the guides if this is against the rules..but I'm curious as to see the majority's views. Please do not post saying "Gay Pride" or "Candidate '08" or any other slogans. This is just a poll. I could make this poll only, but I'd like to see your reasons as why you're for what...
  13. ice mountain

    What's your desktop background?

    Mine is a drawing of my avatar on GaiaOnline. Done by user Charleene. I usually have some sort of plain one though =P I had the blue tiles (Mac) for a really long time :P
  14. ice mountain


    I have myspace. I have people I know in real life, off of TamaTalk, and bands. :P Like, My Chemical Romance has to be my top friend! :P :P :P
  15. ice mountain

    pet birds

    I have 4 birds. :rolleyes: •Webster, a African Grey, is hand trained, we can pet his head/beak/body, but if you touch his tail, you die. He is 16 as of October. Webbie can speak 50+ words, and sing the "Andy Griffeth Show" theme song. •Sunny, a cockatiel, is a male and a proven breeder ^_^...
  16. ice mountain

    Longest you've stayed up?

    I think I've woken up at 5:00AM and gone to bed the next day around 10:00AM. So roughly..29 hours?
  17. ice mountain

    Have you ever gotten hit on on the Internet?

    I've gotten hit on a few times. xD It's not very fun, but extremely awkward. Certain chat sites, such as coughchatavenuecough have several people on there- I don't recommend entering any of those rooms unless you are 18+ Ick.
  18. ice mountain


    My cat has printed random documents, messed up my messenger by signing me out, and has left a claw mark in the screen from when he was playing with the scroller moving around. xD
  19. ice mountain

    Cheese vs. Tacos Vs. Pie

    Tacos, ftw. xD
  20. ice mountain

    Britney Spears

    Britney Spears. Interesting. Her newer stuff, has really gotten wayy too pop for me. Or maybe I've gotten too rock. I like her older albums, they were nice to clean/work out/dance to. :wub: