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  1. N


    on the top corner it sez ur name by it it sats messages. click that and scroll down to options. then it says skins and languages. click that!
  2. N

    Hate Mimitchi

    no offence to ppl that like it, but i hate it too.
  3. N


    im sure a TON of u ppl no this, but if u go to your contpl pannel and go down to options, you can change skins! *skins are the different border of stuffs.
  4. N

    I mated the two secret characters!

    tell us when they grow up!
  5. N

    How do you get the crocodile/reptile looking tama?

    i no!! go to bell sprouts page Bell Sprout, please dont get mad at me 4 telling him to use ur site!
  6. N

    hhmmm who are you?

    i got one from a young mamitchi
  7. N


    ive had one b4, but i sold it for like 150 bucks
  8. N

    Please guyz help me out

    sorry its just a random guy thats chosen to play the bump game with you. i wish u could play with other ppls :D
  9. N

    uh i'm neww plz help

    go 2 ur profile, click avatar edit, and pick a gallerie and avatar.
  10. N


    no. ur doomed. lol no ur not! just dry it off-ul b fine!
  11. N


    isnt it weird that when u start the tama the first time its an egg, but if u get married u have babies! :)
  12. N

    Hiya! XD

  13. N

    mamitchi or mimitchi?

    :puroperatchi: :hitodetchi:
  14. N

    I'm new here

    hi then
  15. N

    What do certain items do?

    ur tama has to b an adult to use most stuff.
  16. N


    ya shel go at midnight.
  17. N

    What do certain items do?

    ok heres a list of all the items i know and wut they do. skateboard---skates around the screen. rollerskates---same thing. stars(darts)---your tama throws stars and looks weird. boots---tama stomps about with wierd oversized boots. cap---different for some tamas.. marracus---dances around...