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  1. N

    you CAN debug a V2

    yes you can debugg v2 i did it it says the exact same thing inside
  2. N

    mini evolution

    it was from wisconsin and it was about 20 bucks
  3. N

    mini evolution

    no, but its kinda harder to press the buttions, but its sooo cool! you just press one button to take care of it! no icons, just press one button! :chohimetchi: :kuribotchi: :hitodetchi:
  4. N

    What the HECK is my tama ?!

    its a ringotchi
  5. N

    mini evolution

    no, its mini! its smaller then an american half dollar coin!
  6. N

    Does your tama take baths?

    its taking a bath
  7. N

    Help ! My tama is a spoiled refusing brat !

    :) jeez! <_< and i was just trying to help!
  8. N

    do you lose your items...

    no if you keep generations and they dont die, you can keep all of your items!
  9. N

    Help ! My tama is a spoiled refusing brat !

    is yours a he or a she? you said both
  10. N

    Help ! My tama is a spoiled refusing brat !

    you have to weigh enough to play games
  11. N

    mini evolution

    when do tamagotchi minis evolve? i just got mine today, and so far ive had it for about 2 hours
  12. N

    Hey I waz wonderin?.......

    MINI! they are so cool! :angry:
  13. N

    Two questions

    for the jump game, press the button when they light up on the screen. and if that happens when it calls for attention, and nothings rong punish it
  14. N


    it evolves on year 3
  15. N

    what the heck is my tama!?

    a glitch that messes it up
  16. N

    Mating Question

    yes ur friends is too young
  17. N

    rapid growth

    but it made it grow FASTER!
  18. N

    Unknown character! Help!

    its a yu- fotchi
  19. N

    What is debugging?

    i strongly advise you to NOT debugg it. that takes away the point to you tama! and u got a good chance to break it! the whole tamagotchi is held together by 2 wires! 2 WIRES!