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  1. N

    hello i'm emong

    hello. freya, dont ask Emong a question that personal! Emong, you dont have to answer. anyway, welcome to tamatalk!
  2. N


    if ur tama is a baby and crying, or if it is older and has its bback turned on you, praise it at the little paac man icon. if it beeps for no reson, disipline it.
  3. N

    Can somone help me out on how to get certain tamagotchis

    no, if you want :wacko: you have to take BAD care of it, and if you want :) , you have to take GOOD care of it
  4. N


    you have to go to present on both of them, or go to version one on the creepy playdate thing.
  5. N


    its about average
  6. N


  7. N

    Tamagotchi Mini Chart

    i just got it on ebay because i wanted it faster!
  8. N

    Tamagotchi Mini Chart

    i have one! the only guy ive gotten is the baby and mamitchi. and its a tamagotchi that is about the size of an american half dollar, actually, its smaller!
  9. N

    Tamagotchi Mini

    i have one, but i got it off ebay for 20 bucks... but it is really cool. i never did know what the c button did... thanx for all the info!
  10. N

    I am new

    hi welcome to tamatalk, but this is the wrong form. well, actually, this is a form for o well...HI
  11. N

    Who is this Tama?

    its a yu-fochi
  12. N

    how do u be beg a tamvirison 2

    yes you open up the back and scratch the debug circle with a pencil. I STRONGLY ADVISE YOU TO NOT DEBUG IT, THOUGH. it takes the fun away from it. you can fast forward, pick your characters and stuff, and you will prabably break it if you dont no how to do it right.
  13. N

    kelp resturant

    the Kelp resturant?
  14. N

    wats up with debugging?

    ya but the more you do it, the weaker the 2 wires that POWER THE WHOLE THING get. but seriously, WHY IS THERE ONLY 2 WIRES THAT POWER THE WHOLE THING?
  15. N

    is there any way?

    maybe if you go a while without getting reported, it will go down......?
  16. N

    Which tamagotchi is the best? UR VOTE COUNTS!

    i think the mini is the best
  17. N

    Help I DONT Know how...

    yes. the only one i know is set it to 2:59, and when its 3:00, the shop will be restored!
  18. N

    New Chick

    talk about your formal intruductions!