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  1. N

    What do certain items do?

    ya most items can only be used if ur an adult. theres this one site that says what certin adults fav item, but i 4got wut it was. :furawatchi: sorry...
  2. N


    lol... nice way of putting it
  3. N

    hi im new

    hey welcome! il b ur friend!
  4. N


    hi u should really like this site, i do!
  5. N

    I'm new here

    ya spammins evil.
  6. N

    Hi! I'm kitkat!

    hey welcome!
  7. N

    # 1 Tamagotchi

    hi, and welcome to tamatalk. i love this site, and i hope you do to!
  8. N

    has anyone got a furowtachi

    i got it by taking care of it until its 3rd year, and then pretty much just left it there!
  9. N


    its expensive but WAY WORTH IT!!!
  10. N

    Does your Tamagotchi have...

    no. im a freak, and im obsessed with polishing it! I USED WINDEX ON IT!!!
  11. N

    the weird kind of DEATH

    that happens when u get low battery. the second b4, it turns into an egg by defualt cuz it noz its gonna reset.
  12. N

    Unfair :(

    kinda... but thats what ebay is for! :furawatchi:
  13. N

    I'm oORossOo

    hi i have the wackyist name ever! nice to meet you!
  14. N


    i like :(
  15. N

    tam mini

    i think the tam mini looks like a rip off. what do u ppl think?
  16. N

    whats favorite tama on the v2?

    y isnt kusatchi on the list? :(
  17. N

    All right level up!

    cool idea
  18. N

    Look at this please!

    mine is aug 10
  19. N

    popular tams

    im gonna get a new tama and i wanna know which one is the most popular.