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  1. Ringotchi123

    Gender War!

    26 I think the boys noticed that we where winning....... -_-
  2. Ringotchi123

    Tama-Go Hatching?

    I am!!! But I can't now... Can you wait for a few days?
  3. Ringotchi123

    Tama Family Fun

    Kayla left me... Dear Lyssie, You left me home like you always do, but I couldn't take it any more. I always got left sick with poop upon the floor. I also got left hungry, but before I went out the door I wrote you this letter and put it on your floor...
  4. Ringotchi123

    Gender War!

  5. Ringotchi123

    Character Naming Contest!

  6. Ringotchi123

    1,000,000 GP IDEA

    And they were.... Then they decided that if they had a place to go on the internet they should make a social website. So they made... TAMALR!!!
  7. Ringotchi123

    Gender War!

    57 P.S. can I make a post for my friend? she wants to do it but her mom says she can't make an account.
  8. Ringotchi123

    Animal Crossing Wild World RP Character Recruit

    Sure! BOTH ACCEPTED! 2 more animals, 1 more person.. PS you can write\ one form at a time to add people or animals to your house, but you must get MY acceptance and you must write about your character moving in. Plus, NO MORGAGE!!!
  9. Ringotchi123

    Animal Crossing Wild World RP Character Recruit

    This takes place in TamaTown. Ok... You can make up to 4 characters to live in your house. You may make animals or people. Only have all animals or all people. Also, make a VIVID DESCRIPTION of every character and your house. We need at least 3 animal houses and 3 people houses.Also, use real...
  10. Ringotchi123

    Tamagotchi World! (Remake)

    Name: Amy Age(Baby, Toddler, Teen, Adult): Adult Character: Sebertchi Personality: Happy go lucky! Likes/Dislikes: Loves FASHION!!!!! And.... Boys Occupation:Fashion designer Other New french exchange student
  11. Ringotchi123

    Gender War!

    72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61
  12. Ringotchi123

    Gender War!

    I wish we could lock the boys out of this topic... 74
  13. Ringotchi123

    Gender War!

    77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70
  14. Ringotchi123

    Gender War!

  15. Ringotchi123

    Tama Family Fun

    1 star!!??!! You want better, don't you? Oh.. I'll make it better alright.... Real better..... > :D Anyway, I reset my tamago and had a girl. Paused for my unsuccessful hatch. If I stop posting here look in my multi member log. I'm sure if I make it no one will post so Guides, If you are...
  16. Ringotchi123

    Gender War!

  17. Ringotchi123

    Welcome to Hogwarts School!

    (WAIT!!! I just started reading the series a few weeks ago! Let me fill this out.) Name: Elysabeth Amelculs (Call me Lyssie) Gender: Female House: Gryffindor Blood: Pure Blood Personality: Cheery, LOVES school. Appearance: Pale skin that tans and burns. Dirty blonde hair with brown tinge...
  18. Ringotchi123

    Blue Moon Tama Hatch

    I'm sure that if you think about joining that enough people will join. If this is successful I will make a mutiple member log.