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  1. C

    Random Gotchi Points on V4.5!?

    That's weird i never even got a glitch on my tama...
  2. C

    Making Band

    anyway you might need diffrent passwords!
  3. C

    TMCG+C Screen

    ps i never had my tama screen scratched.
  4. C

    TMCG+C Screen

    however even if it's not they're prob, still if it can't fix it they need to do something about it .Like send your tama back and receive another? it would cost a bit but If id wait id be fine LOL
  5. C

    music star smell good

    WHAT THE>>? I've never heard of scented tamas? am i just nut's ? But true my V6 smells like chocolate im sick of it
  6. C

    This was FREAKY! I expierienced it!

    HEY! y'now what i'm doing? every time i have letters or ecards, i delete them so my mailbox is never empty. All those popular people, that's what you should do. -Chamametchi_rules
  7. C

    heehee, random question!

    ps. dazzilitchi's a GIRL not a boy and her name is spelt DAZZILITCHI not dazzeletchi. -I love tamas
  8. C

    heehee, random question!

    No it's not a tosakatchi i'll PM you to tell you...
  9. C

    How to get 6thCd on tamagotchi music city

    It is so easy because i always won on super star rank EVERY TIME I PLAYED!
  10. C

    music star smell good

    that's weird i haven't ever heard of that!
  11. C

    How to get Sunnitchi, Music Awards from Music City

    what is it like? You are on music city! Can you PM me the real Dazzilitchi code? The other one didn't work!!!
  12. C

    Keep your tamagotchi from the teachers

    Something happen CRAZY when i went to school. I broght my tama out of my desk and by accident, i kept it at a place where the teacher saw it CLEARLY. But whatever, She didn't say anything about the tamagotchi toy. Neither did other teachers outside :lol: Is this school ALLOWED tamas? :D...
  13. C


    Edit: soorry folks!
  14. C

    How to get Sunnitchi, Music Awards from Music City

    I don't have Sunnitchi model but i do have a participation trophy, a Jr.Music award and a Music award. For the jr. music award u need to be in the top 100 and the music award u need to be in the top 50's. Well, About the sunnitchi model i'm confused nothing suchs exists... Would you happen to...
  15. C

    exchange items

    my PC code's a dreamitchi... I'm not sure if i should give that out... Unless u have Dazzilitchi to trade for me! :D I've been DYING for Dazzilitchi, Dazzilitchi ROCKS, she's my avatar
  16. C


    You get it from 5th to 4th! But my friend Pink Memetchi Is just gonna get it earlier for me! (cause i just have to wait a week if i do it normally)
  17. C

    TMCG+C Screen

    I think u could return it to bandai and report it but shipping would cost a bit...
  18. C


    IM SO LUCKY! I'm getting dazzilitchi tomorrow!! OH I AM EXITED!
  19. C


    Maybe feed it 4 snacks and he'll cheer up. My brother wanted kuchipatchi so that's what he did.
  20. C


    mabe if you don't get the character you want, just go back on the dating show and check if it's what you want... Anyways, keep retrying!