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  1. E

    Am I weird?

    i used to <3 pokeh-mawwnnn
  2. E

    What's your name? What about nicknames?

    ^ohh, Krystaloo? ..Krystawlio? ahahaha 8D
  3. E

    What's your name? What about nicknames?

    mm new nickname; Emilee Eggfry!!! -by kseniaaa
  4. E


    I haven't tried Poetry for a while =P here's one I made for Ksenia. It took like 22 minutes to think up the right words x3 Ksenia: I mailed you a message one dull March-Time Day I worked up the nerve I said; It is okay. I thought you my hero you posted so much I read them intently your...
  5. E


    ^lul, how old are yew? my mom is just like PADZZZ = <3 but they're so nasty D:
  6. E

    Young Adult Girls!

    omnomnom. I wear bras. I like the comfy non-underwire ones. =3 but they come wiff a price;; there's this littlekids class in my school and these three little boys come up and attack meh and when they do they always snap my bra >8O I scream at them but yeah they always are like yelling...
  7. E


    I think it's rad. See? it's a quick communication. and its useful for Twitter. 8D
  8. E


    ^my friend Maya says Poodlefish or Poodle as an insult. I kinda picked it up from her. Like we're talking and She'll be like, Alex, wana play cards? and he'll be like newwwww and she'll be lie; POODLFISH! and then continue talking to me///lul
  9. E

    What is your fave song right now?

    1, 2, 3, 4,((i love you)) - Plain White T's xoxoxo<33
  10. E


    " Dont Bug Me " "Lulz" like actually saying it (LUH-LL) I say Don't Bug Me; or Don't Bug it... am bajillion times a day. Exapmle: a science expiriment was happening and mine was sitting on a table and a kid came up and picked it up. I was all; DO NOT BUG MY SCIENCY GUY, kid! and he...
  11. E

    What word...

    ^OH FO SHO <3 8D I say oh DUCK! instead of oh, F***!
  12. E

    Whats your favorite word?

    Nudder Wurd: Coo'z NO it's not a bad thing. say it out loud. its just a cool way to say Coolz.WHATNOW
  13. E

    Whats your favorite word?

    ^DON'T SAY MUFFIN, WAFFLE, DINO OR CUPCAKE, lul. jaykay lol@ our chatspeak/randomness-popularity talk.
  14. E

    Whats your favorite word?

    maybe not a word. more like a saying, because I don't have a favorite word: "That Bugs Me" is the phrase i use every day and maybe " Oh, DUCK! " I dont specifically like certain words
  15. E

    What word...

    LULZ. && xD, =], omg, ily, fosho, and asdfghjkl;.
  16. E

    What stores do u go to at the mall?

    =P -Claires -Wetseal -Anchor Blue -Pac Sun -Hottopic -Gamestop -Rue 21 -Journeys -Aeropostale
  17. E

    Makeup Mistakes

    ehhh :/ once like I put on eyelinerrr and it looked like all smeared and I continued that for like a year until my sister told me not to. I have pale skin so dark eyeliner makes me look like a raccoon. BLEH but I have frechles so i look sorta tan in some places, and that doesn't help...
  18. E


    ^omgomgomg excactly. my friends all love it. im just like: HAHthis is a dumb obsession.
  19. E

    Are you emo?

    i dont believe in emo. i think of emo as wanabe greasy kids who sheild one eye with thick hair and wear black. but that's not always the case. that's why i hate labelling. Goth is more hardcore, but I haven't seen a real goth in years. that's why i hate labelling. Scene is like a kind of...
  20. E

    Do you have a boy/girlfriend?

    no boyfraaaand.(: naw, everyone my age who dates doesn't even talk. they just walk around together; sometimes. i have a couple guy-friends. and some guys in my school like me.. but i don't care. I'm siinnglleee O: