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  1. R

    Falling 8D

    ^ Aha! Same here. My mom says that I am an accident waiting to happen. Lol.
  2. R

    Falling 8D

    ^ YES! I fall down a lot when I am rushing up the stairs. Lol.
  3. R

    Falling 8D

    XD I know. Once when I was nine, I fell on an ice rink, and a lot of my bottom teeth went though my upper lip and I needed 6 stitches. Good times. Not.
  4. R

    Falling 8D

    Lol. After I thump-thump-thump on my butt, my tailbone feels like it's having a baby. The PAIN!
  5. R

    Falling 8D

    Lmao! Like a ramp. o.o Once, I almost fell off a 500 foot waterfall. An old lady saved me. True story. XD
  6. R

    Do you pick your nose

    I pick w/ a tissue. Sometimes. I stopped picking with my finger when I was 8 because I got a pimple INSIDE my nose. O.O It sucked. D:
  7. R

    Eating Habits?

    I am a proud CARNIVORE! I love meat. 5/10 of my favourite foods are meat. Lamb, Steak, Roast Beef, Oh my! They. Are. Just. So. Good.
  8. R


    I must buy it!!
  9. R

    Book recommendations.

    Vampire Fiction: Cirque Du Freak - Darren Shan It's a way grittier version of Twilight. Lol.
  10. R

    Falling 8D

    ^ Yes! It's eerie, because when I DO fall down stairs, I'm on my butt the whole way down like: thump Thump Thump. Lol.
  11. R

    Falling 8D

    I fall UP stairs daily. I fall down more than I'd like to in a day. XD
  12. R

    What Did You Buy Recently?

    A ticket for the school dance.
  13. R

    Controversial Doll

    It's freaky because it talks in this monotone, zombie like voice. o.o XD
  14. R

    A song.

    Great lyrics, and a great tune.
  15. R

    Do you like Hannaha Montana?

    NO! [End.Rant.]
  16. R

    Okay then D;

    This is going to make me phobic of bathrooms now. D:
  17. R

    Controversial Doll

    Woah! That is messed up. o.o I hear: Islam is the light! Or So long, Isralite!
  18. R

    That there.

    My Family room. There's TV, nothing scary, and nice leather couches. My parents bathroom scares the crapola outta me though. XP
  19. R

    Is a Santa hat enough...

    ^ Agreed. Lol. In Nunavut, Canada it was -40C or around -30F a few days ago.