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  1. R

    Christmas Trees!

    My tree is always real every year, and we put it up the second week of december, and leave it up until New Years..usually. The decorations are an all red and gold theme. It's really beautiful with the gold star on top.
  2. R


    I'm sorry, but that made me seriously LOL. Xp
  3. R

    Wat do ppl think of.....

    I am teh funny person. :3 Me thinks.
  4. R


    Yus! XD I was almost up to my waist in my backyard yesterday. O.o
  5. R


    ^ Global warming dosen't make it snow. Global Warming prevents snow. (Me thinks) --- I remember a few years ago, we had a HUGE snowstorm here. In the middle of May. My dad was BBQ-ing, then all of a sudden, woosh! Snow just starts blowing out of nowhere. That was a total WTF moment. O_o
  6. R

    Worst Gift Ever.

    ^ Really? I like 'em. Of course, I have recieved the traditional blucky fruitcake. : D
  7. R


    A kid from Peru moved here last year. I said: "How do you like the snow?" (Because he has never seen snow.) He said: "It's really crappy, but really great." Lol.
  8. R

    Worst Gift Ever.

    I got mine from my grandma two years ago and it was a Mini-Pop Kids CD. D: What was yours?
  9. R


    Oh yes, I know. Having to shovel every 30 minutes is a pain in the butt.
  10. R


    ^ It dosen't skip them. When our summer is on, it's winter for them, and ViseVersa
  11. R


    Where do you live? -22F is normal here. On friday, we still had school. x_x I came, but all day we were looking out the windows saying: "It's the apocalypse!" because the snow was blowing SO much, you couldn't even see the houses across the street. D;
  12. R


    Nope. All my family lives close. No FAR driving. 1 Hour. Tops.
  13. R

    Do you Like Bella From Twilight?

    She is just so..Badly developed. She gets a perfect life, and then almost kills herself. 556126456 Times.
  14. R

    Who is better: Snow Miser or Heat Miser?

    Heat Miser. I already have 3 feet of snow. I don't need any more. D:
  15. R


    Nope! (Not yet.) There are just a lot of car accidents and cancelled christmas plans. The weather here is very odd. In summer it is 100F, and in winter it gets down to -22F. Its weird, but I love it.
  16. R

    Do you know any one here?

    Nope. I'd like to meet some people though.
  17. R


    FEET. It's a Canadian winter. They are alwaya like that. Snow is pretty much in the middle of my thighs. It won't stop. I willl try to get some pictures.
  18. R

    Is everyone straight A students?

    I get all A's and B's. And the C's in math.
  19. R


    Here in Ontario, Canada, I have 3 feet of snow. x_x
  20. R

    Familiar People?

    In Church I saw the choir, and I thought I saw the school librarian. I spent 45 minutes trying to figure out if it was her...with no conclusion.