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  1. R

    Worst Injuries

    ^ Yeah. Either that story is a made up injury, or is just a freak accident.
  2. R

    My house eats things.

    I was munching on some carrots while cleaning up my room, and I needed to put a mountain of pants away. I put my last carrot on my dresser, and by the time I am done with my room, I see my carrot is missing. I think my addicted sister snuck in and ate it, and decided to forget about it. -------...
  3. R

    Toilet Paper =D

    Charmin or Cashmere...usually.
  4. R

    Weird Smells....

    Woah. A few weeks ago, everyone walked into our classroom, and started gagging. My friend even threw up. It smelled like really strong cheese, that went rotton. No one could figure it out why only that day it smelled bad. We went through the day with our sweaters pulled up over our nose. Then...
  5. R

    Do you change your underwear everyday?

    I sometimes do twice a day, if i'm sweaty or discharging a lot.
  6. R

    Hit Clips Players

    I remember those! I didn't have one because I was probably 6 or 7 when they were out. 60 seconds of a song..? You would be changing the clip often. O.O Weird.
  7. R

    What's Your..

    Mine is thin, naturally blond, and up to my shoulders. It is straight. Ooh! I have a sidebang too.
  8. R

    Animal Crossing: Wild World

    Yes, there is. Sometimes if you send other villagers letters with a native fruit attached, they will send a letter back to you with a new, rare fruit. "Mom" sometimes will send you a letter with a new fruit attached too. Finally, you can find coconuts on the beach, but they must be planted 6...
  9. R

    Animal Crossing: City Folk (Wii)

    Aww, That's too bad Courtnee. You know what? I wanted to rewind time, to see New Years be celebrated, but you can't rewing or fast forward...can you?
  10. R

    Favourite Card Games?

    Spoons by far. Except I play with pencils. XD Cheat is great too.
  11. R

    Worst Injuries

    I had to get two needles inside my open lip, which I will repeat, happened when I sliced it open with my bottom teeth falling on ice.
  12. R

    Silly Putty x3

    I have green silly putty stuck on the inside of my locker door. XD
  13. R


    Orville Redenbacher for me please! Or Caramel. NomNomYum.
  14. R

    Did 2007 and 2008 just go by real fast for you?

    2007 went at light-speed, and was an awesome year. 2008, dragged on for eternities, and sucked. 2009- A chance for a better year.
  15. R

    What's one website...

    TamaTalk. YouTube. I go on
  16. R

    My house eats things.

    Me too. I started up my old V3 and then put it on pause and left it on a chair. I looked for it about 6 hours later, and it was gone. No one touched it...apparrently.
  17. R

    Err. Yea

    I had worms when I was younger. Doctors said it is very common to get them from humans. I took some prescribed medicine and POOF! They were gone. :D
  18. R

    Pictures of paint

    I have regular, old Microsoft Paint. It sucks. I am also a fail at drawing of any sorts.
  19. R

    Alphabet (not what you think)

    I say 'ZEE'. I defy the Canadian pronounciation. Hah! --- The letters most used in words are: " R S T L N E". It helps when I play Wheel Of Fourtune. XD
  20. R

    Chain letters, messages

    Chain Mail is quite high on my "Most Hated Things on Earth" list. X_X I don't even read them. If an email has the "FW:" then I just delete. Good Riddance.