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  1. R

    Animal Crossing: Wild World

    How often does Gracie visit? For me, it seems random..
  2. R

    Do you like Hannaha Montana?

    This is a flame war waiting to happen.
  3. R

    What state are you from?

    You'd DIE in Canada. In Nunavut right now, it is -31 F Or -35 C
  4. R

    How Do You..

    Sneeze: Traditional "Choo!" or quiet/barely audible. XD Cough: Raspy. If I cough once, I go into a coughing fit. O_O Laugh: My laugh is really... Urm. Laugh-y? Cry: I cry silent.
  5. R

    How thin is too thin?

    I can freely see my ribs, and count all the notches on my spine. It's hereditary, for me. I'm healthy though.
  6. R

    Thank you captain obvious!

    ^ I seriously LOL'd at that. A carton of chocolate milk: Contains milk products.
  7. R

    I'll give it a try!
  8. R

    Animal Crossing: Wild World

    ^ Wait 'till tomorrow. My game card for AC:WW froze and restarted. @.@
  9. R

    club penguin coins for change

    I'll give all my coins. :3
  10. R

    Am I weird?

    I love Pokemon. The DS games are my guilty pleasure. <3
  11. R

    Thank you captain obvious!

    Yeah. I agree with your opinion. It's just that they use the same stick they use on their underarms. -Gag-
  12. R

    Strange [Delicious] Food Combinations.

    Dip marshmallows in coke. Seriously. It's really good! :3
  13. R


    ^Woah! I'm accident prone, so if there was a fire at my school, I'd probably start it.
  14. R

    Strange [Delicious] Food Combinations.

    ^YuM! I LOVE after you bake something with cheese, there are little cheese baked-on bits in the pan. I love those. To no end
  15. R

    Thank you captain obvious!

    People in my class put it on their faces. -vomits-
  16. R

    Strange [Delicious] Food Combinations.

    I like Fries with honey. My sister dips carrots in milk. -dies- I would never try that. I looks gross. when I have a little pudding cup, I pour milk into it and stir. It's really good.
  17. R

    Getting a DS Lite for Christmas

    I think Nintendo makes a clear plastic/silicone case for the DS. You will be protected, and the glorious colour will show through. I will try to find a link to Wal-mart, or another store(s)
  18. R

    Thank you captain obvious!

    ^ Yus. A company will do anything to not get sued. Fishing Bait: Not for human consumption.
  19. R

    Team Edward VS. Team Jacob

    Book: Jacob Movie: Team Tyer's Car
  20. R

    Getting a DS Lite for Christmas

    My Lite has been very durable with my clumsy nature. Lol. Sometimes when I drop it though, the screen freezes. My Bad