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  1. P

    Cervical Cancer!

    So you mean you got diagnosed with Cervian Cancer?
  2. P

    poem i wrote

    Awesome Poem! You should continue to write more!
  3. P

    What's Your Fave Store?

    Theres an Australian shop for stationary called Smiggle. . I also love the shop Diva
  4. P

    Guess your sign?

    May not sound like it but...I'm a Leo
  5. P

    Celebs that share

    Wow. I randomly searched Joe Jonas on wikipedia and I found out he has the same birthday as me. :) Do you know any celebs that share the same birthday as you??
  6. P

    Guess your sign?

    Favourite colour: Purple Things I like to do: Reading, Writing, Singing, Acting, Sitting in my room alone playing my guitar. Do you like change: No. What do you wanna be when you grow up: Lawyer ot a TV Journalist. Are you loud or reserved: LOUD! :angry:
  7. P

    do you have any party ideas for,

    The best sleepover game for girls is bloody mary!
  8. P

    Internet harassment

    Yes. Sometimes I see my sister on club penguin saying to her 'be my girlfriend' or 'your hot' or something like that. 0_O
  9. P


    A Journalist, Lawyer, or possibly a chance of being an actress...
  10. P

    If your parent says no

    Hmmm.. I'd say it's a good idea, but I don't really need it because my parents would buy me one anyway.
  11. P


    Apparently, I do sleepwalk & sleeptalk. Sometimes my sleepwalk can be really bad so my dad has to put this big cushion thing at the front of my door 0_o
  12. P


    My school starts at 8:30-3:00. I have to get up early to catch the bus
  13. P

    whats your fave color?

    Purple & Blue is my fav! But shouldn't this topic be in (Non) TamaTalk?
  14. P

    Keep your Tama's away from the principal's drawer!

    Yeah, like the time I brought my tamagotchi to school in year 3 and got it taken away... :huh: NOT going to happen again!!
  15. P


    Belly button peircings REALLY hurt. I screamed the whole store out when I got one lol! All I have is a belly button peircing and two ear lobes. :ichigotchi:
  16. P

    My picture of flower

    I totally agree! It's a great pic!
  17. P


    Your brother died of heroin?! Oh, that's very sad... :ichigotchi: Glad they brought him back to life! :furawatchi: B.T.W. (By the way...) No, I have never tried drugs.
  18. P

    Cant view Memory (v5)

    Yeah. If one of your V5 charactars passes away, then you can veiw it in the 'memory' section.
  19. P

    Which version tamagotchi do you like best?

    My favourite is the V3. I just like a normal plain tamagotchi with not too many fancy things on it. Cheers, P10 :)
  20. P

    Any cheats for?

    Yes. You need to be patient. That is the key to taking care of tamagotchis.Example: Do you think raising a tamagotchi would be fun if it grew every half hour? Cheers, P10 :)